Installed it, wehre do i find it ?

  • Hi I have SQL 2000 installed on a Windows 2000. I've installed the trial. Now i got the remark that Visual .net wasn't installed. Is it the meaning that visual .net should be installed on the SQL Server Server ? I think that's strange.

    Now if I want to install it on my client, the remark is I couldn't find SQL 2000, what is normal becoz I have W XP and SQL cannot be installed on W XP.

    How to resolve this ?

    Overall i've follewed the online training and i think it's just a great product. Just what I needed and what SQL was missing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Kind regards

    El Jefe




  • The client tools do require VS 2003, and that the other pieces are setup.  That "cannot find SQL Server" error was very misleading in the beta, and I think it's misleading you here.  Go through the readmes.

    In general:

    A report server database must be setup

    The report server NT Service must be setup

    A website must be setup for the RS webservice

    The IIS server must have ASP.NET registered (this is what first generated that "can not find SQL Server" error for me.

    The report viewer must be installed on that website

    If you now just simply install the report designer, VS should be able to generate reports.

    If you haven't read it, this article may help you a bit.  Basically, make sure ALL of the prerequesites are installed before attempting the RS install itself.

    If you haven't read it, this article may help you a bit.  Hope this helps a bit.

  • Thanks for yr quick reply.


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