Query problem

  • I have a table called PriceName having schema

    CREATE TABLE PriceName (PriceNameID INT IDENTITY(1,1), Price DECIMAL(9,2), PriceName VARCHAR(100))

    In this table the data is populated in the Price field. Now i want to update this table to update the PriceName column, that shows the range in which that price lies.

    Ex is shown below

    PriceNameID Price PriceName

    1  200 0-200

    2  300 200-300

    3  350 300-350



    99  1500 1400-1500

    100  NULL 1500 & Above


    Can someone suggest me the update query for this ??


    Prashant Thakwanithakwani_prashant@yahoo.co.in

  • UPDATE p

    SET PriceName = (CASE

    WHEN p.Price IS NULL THEN CAST(FLOOR(a.Price) AS varchar) + ' & Above'

    ELSE CAST(FLOOR(ISNULL(a.Price,0)) AS varchar) + '-' + CAST(FLOOR(p.Price) AS varchar)


    FROM PriceName p

    LEFT OUTER JOIN PriceName a

    ON a.PriceNameID = (p.PriceNameID - 1)

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • You can just run this using the update statement or automate it by adding it as a trigger, as entered below.

     Update PriceName

     set PriceName = Case

      When cast(Price as int) between 0 and 200 then '0-200'

      When cast(Price as int)> 1500 then 'Over 1500'

      When Price is Null then Null

      else Cast((convert(int,Price)-(convert(int,Price)%100)) as varchar)

       + '-' + Cast( ((convert(int,Price)-(convert(int,Price)%100))+100) as varchar)


    If using trigger should modify code to only affect rows inserted/updated.

    create trigger tr_PriceName  on PriceName for insert,update as

     Update PriceName

     set PriceName = Case

      When cast(p.Price as int) between 0 and 200 then '0-200'

      When cast(p.Price as int)> 1500 then 'Over 1500'

      When p.Price is Null then Null

      else Cast((convert(int,p.Price)-(convert(int,p.Price)%100)) as varchar)

       + '-' + Cast( ((convert(int,p.Price)-(convert(int,p.Price)%100))+100) as varchar)


     From PriceName p inner join INSERTED i on p.PriceNameID = i.PriceNameID

  • David's Solution is OK as long as you have CONSECUTIVES Ids . If you don't then you can:

    DECLARE @strLPriceName varchar(100)

    SELECT  @strLPriceName = ''

    UPDATE PriceName

    SET @strLPriceName = PriceName = CASE When r.strPrice IS NULL THEN  Right(@strLPriceName,Charindex('-',Reverse(@strLPriceName))-1) + ' & Above'

         ELSE  (CAse When Len(@strLPriceName) = 0 then '0'

             Else Right(@strLPriceName,Charindex('-',Reverse(@strLPriceName))-1)END)+ '-'+ r.strPrice  END


    FROM PriceName b


        SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT Cast(Floor(Price) as Varchar) as  strPrice, PriceNameID

        FROM PriceName

        ORDER BY PriceNameID

        ) r ON

        r.PriceNameID = b.PriceNameID

    select * from PriceName

    * Noel

  • Or just something like this:


    (SELECT MAX(Price)

     FROM PriceName

     WHERE Price < p.Price),CASE WHEN Price IS NULL THEN

     (SELECT MAX(Price)

      FROM PriceName) ELSE 0 END))) + ISNULL('-' + LTRIM(STR(Price)),' & Above')

    FROM PriceName p


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