Which query is more efficient?

  • Does anyone have any insight into which one of these two queries is

    more efficient?

    CREATE TABLE dbo.authors


        au_id       [id]        NOT NULL,

        au_lname    varchar(40) NOT NULL,

        au_fname    varchar(20) NOT NULL,

        phone       char(12)    CONSTRAINT DF__authors__phone__78B3EFCA


        address     varchar(40) NULL,

        city        varchar(20) NULL,

        state       char(2)     NULL,

        zip         char(5)     NULL,

        contract    bit         NOT NULL,

        Category_Id int         NOT NULL,

        CONSTRAINT UPKCL_auidind


                                                            ON [PRIMARY],

    CONSTRAINT CK__authors__au_id__77BFCB91

        CHECK ([au_id] like


    CONSTRAINT CK__authors__zip__79A81403

        CHECK ([zip] like '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]')


    Query 1:


    FROM authors

    WHERE au_id='672-71-3249'

    Query 2:

    IF Exists (SELECT au_id FROM authors WHERE au_id='672-71-3249')

     PRINT 1


     PRINT 0

    The reason there is any question in my mind is because au_id is the

    PK. Also, in the execution plan for Query 2 there is an extra step

    called "Constant Scan" which has a cost of 0%.

    Thanks in advance!


  • If there is a difference it will be insignificant in many cases (especially on an unique indexed field) but large datasets can do the EXISTS situation faster simple because it will only read to the first occurrance unless not found.

  • Right! I guess what my question really is, is this. Because the count(*) is on the primary key (i.e. it is unique) will SQL continue searching once it has found one occurrence of that value?

  • If your index is set up as unique (which I am assuming it is the primary key and would be) then no it already knows 1 value to find no more to look for.

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