Problem opening Enterprise Manager

  • Hi,

    I am having a problem opening enterprise manager.

    Whenever I try to open it gives the error:

    Error Message

    Has anyone encountered this problem before?

    I have already tried:

    - re-installing

    - creating a "snap in" using MMC

    But neither solution works.

    Thanks for any suggestions


  • SOrry but your error message isn't showing up here. Can you post the text?

  • Hi, sorry about that:

    "MMC cannot open the file c:\program files\microsoft sql server\80\tools\binn\sql server enterprise manager.msc

    This may be because the file does not exist, is not an MMC console, or was created with a later version of MMC.  This may also be because you do not have sufficient rights to access the file."

  • try using the following:

    mmc.exe "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn\SQL Server Enterprise Manager.MSC"

    If that doesn't work navigate to the location and right-click on it and use the Run As feature (If you have XP) and uncheck the protect my computer

    Good Luck,



    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • Thanks for the reply,

    Unfortunately neither solution worked.

    I kept recieving the same error message.

  • What versions of SQL are you running on the box and have you installed alternate client tools at any point. Also, is this a domain account or local account and does it have full admin rights to the local machine?

  • Hi,

    I am running SQL Server 2000 developer edition with service pack 3, using Windows XP.

    I am running it under a domain account, over all of the different server groups, and this has worked fine before and until now.  Strangely, enterprise works fine when I change to a local account, but obviously I do not have access to the other server groups which is the main reason that I need this to work.

    There are no client tools installed on the version.  It is a basically a development machine, but it has several server groups that I use enterprise for quite frequently, in particular for transferring test databases and stored procs onto the live dbs.  As far as I am aware there have been no major changes to the logins or the servers since this happened.

    Query Analyzer works fine, which is something that I find strange as well.

    I have checked about on the internet before coming on here to ask and also since asking.  I found a solution where you would just create a snap in in the MMC.  It allows me to run enterprise but there are a few things that are annoying like save dialogs appearing when I close the connection.  I had just wondered if anyone had came accross this before, and if they had a better solution than what I could find.

    Sorry about the long post, but thought it better to go into detail rather than leave anything out!  Thanks for any input or ideas.

  • Does this file Physically exists on your pc ?

    Also what is version of MMC on your pc ? (mmc.exe -> Help -> About )

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  • The file does exist on the PC.  I have tried to change it with other copies of the file from different installations, and also from the install CD but have had no luck. 

    At the moment, I am just using a console to access Enterprise but it brings up annoying save dialog boxes every time I close the connection.

    Since the previous post I tried another re-install and the service pack is now back to 1... the version of the MMC is 5.1 now.

    Previously it was running on service pack 3, so I would be surprised if it had anything to do with this. 


  • I had the same problem on one of our development machines with W2K, SQL Server 2000 and SQL SP 3 after rebuilding the RAID array.

    Didn't end up finding an explanation for why it happened, just installed and reinstalled a few times (about 3 or 4 times I think) and eventually it just worked. 

    Pretty annoying to say the least.  Sorry I don't have much more of an explanation for you.


  • I am also having the same problem. Any solution to this problem, please let me know.

  • me to!! .... and it happent when i changed the password for my domain account . before it was working properly

  • i created an administrator account localy on my computer .

    i opened the enterprise manager with this account and it worked ..

    (sql server is localy instaled)

    so its clear that it has to do with the security policy between the enterprise manager and the user that tries to open it .

  • Navigate to this folder: C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Application Data\Microsoft\MMC and delete the SQL Server file.  Restart Enterprise Manager.  It should work.

  • This is how I corrected the problem.

    First, rename the file SQL Server Enterprise Manager.MSC.  If you can rename it, then it isn't a security problem.  Then make sure you rename it back to the original name.

    1. Open the mmc.exe by it self. C:\WINDOWS\system32\mmc.exe

    2. Openithe file C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\BINN\SQL Server Enterprise Manager.MSC by using the OPEN command from the FILE menu.

    3. At this point, you will get a message that says the file is an older version, do you want to up date it.  Say yes.

    4. Then select SAVE AS from the FILE menu and save it to C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\BINN\SQL Server Enterprise Manager.MSC .  You will need to overwright the old one.

    5. Close the MMC and open Enterprise Manager.


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