Need Help with INSERT ... SELECT

  • Hello,

    I have an INSERT SELECT statement that attempts to Insert values into a table based on the query of several other tables. Normally I don't have problems with this operation, but I'm getting 'Ambiguous Column Name' errors for this particular INSERT.  I've tried using aliases for the column names I'm inserting into, and I've tried setting up the query after the SELECT statement as an Inline query, but nothing has worked.

    The table I am inserting into is called 'tblMMrptStanResultsGrade'. Two of the fields from this table are not included in the insert statement. One of the fields in this table is called 'RecID' and is an INT IDENTITY field. The other field is called 'InsertDate' and is 'smallDateTime' with a default of GETDATE().

    Below is one version of the syntax of the INSERT ... SELECT statement:


    INSERT tblMMrptStanResultsGrade

    (LocationDesc, Location2, TLastName, TFirstName,

    SLastName, SFirstName, Permnum, Grade, TestDesc, TestShortName,

    QID, Score, StanID, Domain, Strand, StanNum,

    SGroup, SubStrand, StanDesc, gDesc)





    TD.LastName AS TLastName,

    TD.FirstName AS TFirstName,

    SD.LastName AS SLastName,

    SD.FirstName AS SFirstName,

    SD.Permnum As SPermnum,














    FROM tblLocation LC

    Inner Join Student_Data_Main SD On LC.Location2=SD.SchoolNum

    Inner Join Teacher_Data_Main TD On TD.TeacherID=SD.TeacherID

    Inner Join tblMMStanTestScores TS On SD.Permnum=TS.Permnum

    Inner Join tblMMStateStandardsData STD On STD.QID=TS.QID

    and STD.TestShortName=TS.TestShortName

    Inner Join tblTests TT On TT.TestShortName=STD.TestShortName

    Inner Join tblMMStateStandards STS On STS.Grade=TS.Grade

    and STS.StanID=STD.StanID

    Inner Join tblMMStandardsGroups SG On SG.gGrade=STS.Grade

    and SG.gGroupID=STS.SGroup


    LC.Location2 = 371 and TS.grade = 2 

    ORDER BY LocationDesc, Location2, TLastName, TFirstName,

    SLastName, SFirstName, Permnum,

    Grade, TestShortName, QID, Domain, Strand


    When I attempt to run this query as it is, I get the following messages:

    Server: Msg 209, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Ambiguous column name 'Permnum'.

    Server: Msg 209, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Ambiguous column name 'Grade'.

    Server: Msg 209, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Ambiguous column name 'TestShortName'.

    Server: Msg 209, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Ambiguous column name 'QID'.

    What simple thing am I forgetting here that would make this query work?

    Thanks for your help!


  • Hello CSDunn

    The error you are getting lies in the order by clause statement.

    FROM tblLocation LC

    Inner Join Student_Data_Main SD On LC.Location2=SD.SchoolNum

    Inner Join Teacher_Data_Main TD On TD.TeacherID=SD.TeacherID

    Inner Join tblMMStanTestScores TS On SD.Permnum=TS.Permnum

    Inner Join tblMMStateStandardsData STD On STD.QID=TS.QID

    and STD.TestShortName=TS.TestShortName

    Inner Join tblTests TT On TT.TestShortName=STD.TestShortName

    Inner Join tblMMStateStandards STS On STS.Grade=TS.Grade

    and STS.StanID=STD.StanID

    Inner Join tblMMStandardsGroups SG On SG.gGrade=STS.Grade

    and SG.gGroupID=STS.SGroup

    ORDER BY LocationDesc, Location2, TLastName, TFirstName,

    SLastName, SFirstName, Permnum,

    Grade, TestShortName, QID, Domain, Strand

    Please see that the column names which you have referred in the order by clause statement is referring to

    Permnum (tblMMStanTestScores, Student_Data_Main)

    Grade (tblMMStateStandards, tblMMStanTestScores)

    TestShortName (tblTests, tblMMStateStandardsData)

    QID (tblMMStateStandardsData, tblMMStanTestScores)

    So the order by clause statement columns should refer to either one table. Change the order by statement as follows:


    ORDER BY LocationDesc, Location2, TLastName, TFirstName,

    SLastName, SFirstName, ts.Permnum,

    ts.Grade, tt.TestShortName, ts.QID, Domain, Strand


    and your query works fine.



  • Thanks for your help. It didn't occur to me that ambiguity could be a problem for fields used in the Order By clause if matching field names are used in joins. Believe it or not, I don't think I've ever had this problem before.

    Normally, the ambiguity problem I run into is with matching field names from multiple tables where some/all of those matching fields appear in the field list of a select statement.


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