bcp statement

  • I get an error procedure bcp not found when I run the following:

    bcp '"Select * From Salesperson_Dimension" queryout SalesPersonFile.txt'


    I get an error not authorized to xp_cmdshell when I run the following:

    DECLARE @bcp as varchar(8000)

    select @bcp = 'bcp "Select * From Salesperson_Dimension" queryout SalesPersonFile.txt'

    exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @bcp


    I am just trying to have bcp copy the Salesperson Table to a text file;

    eventually adding a where clause.

    Thanks for your help!



  • bcp databasename.dbo.salesperson_dimension out salespersonfile.txt -T -SserverName -c -n


    sorry I have never try queryout option.



  • If you are part of the system administrator's group then you definitely have rights to execute xp_cmdshell, otherwise you may need to be given permissions to execute. If you are using a trusted connection then you should be able to use the script below. If you are not using a trusted connection then specify "-Uusername -Ppassword" in place of the -T.


    DECLARE @bcp as varchar(8000)

    select @bcp = 'bcp "Select * From northwind..Employees" queryout "C:\SalesPersonFile.txt" -T -Sservername'

    exec master..xp_cmdshell @bcp



  • Thanks for the help, one more question..

    Everytime this statement is run, the target text file is replaced, I was hoping to append to this target text file; is there an option for this?

    Thanks again for the help!

  • Try this

    DECLARE @bcp as varchar(8000)

    select @bcp = 'CMD /C ' +

    'bcp "Select * From Salesperson_Dimension" queryout SalesPersonFiletemp.txt -S servername -T ' +

    ' && type SalesPersonFiletemp.txt >> SalesPersonFile.txt && del SalesPersonFiletemp.txt'

    exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @bcp

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

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