Executing Exe files from SQLServer

  • Does anyone knows how to execute a exe file from SqlServer ( Stored Procedure / Dts / Job ) ?



    Helder Martins

  • Take a look at xp_cmdshell in BOL.

    The example there

    exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'dir *.exe'

    shows the results from the server directory, not your local computer.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
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  • here another tips...


    declare @retval int

    exec @retval = master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'c:\program files\myapp\myapp.exe'

    print @retval

    if @retval = 0 then the execution was succefully

    -- JOB

    You may use Operating System Command (CmdExec) option from 'Edit Job Step' windows

    or You may use T-SQL option and use the same first sample (xp_cmdshell), but, in that case don`t have a result of execution. Results for execution of job, always be succefully in tha case



    You may use the 'Execute Process Task' object


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