Case in the Where clause

  • Hello All,

    ALTER PROCEDURE usp_SelectClient


    @Cln_Num char(4)




    Select Cln_Num from Clients


          CASE WHEN @Cln_Num='ALL' THEN Cln_Num

               WHEN (Cln_Num = @Cln_Num) THEN @Cln_Num

               WHEN @Cln_Num = 999  THEN 999 ELSE 0 END > 1

    In the above StoredProc I need to display the following Logic:

    (and 'ALL' is Default Parameter coming from Crystal Report front-end, CLient 'ALL' doesn't exists)

    If the user selects 'ALL' then show All records/All Client numbers;

    if he inputs a particular Client=999 then display only that Client equal to 999;

    Or he inputs any other Client Number, so that only that client number will be returned.

    Does't the above StoredProc make sense or is there a better way to incorporate my requirement.



  • Have you tried this with a client number = 1 and using the 'ALL' parameter?

    I am also confused.. what is the difference between 'ALL' and 999 supposed to be?  Can there be client number > 999.  Overall this CASE approach is great.


  • Thanks for reply,

    All-includes all Clients and 999 is just another client and should be treated a bit differently LATER.

    999 is just a Client Number and it could be thousands of clients. So I guess, I am sorry I didn't expain it well, the question is how to distinguish between ALL (which is not a Client number but which includes ALL Client Numbers ) and a single Parameter - single Client Number.

    Well, I guess I could have written 2 IF statements: One to Select All and the other to select individual CLient Numbers....

    Any other comments

  • I would generally write this as

    CASE WHEN @Cln_Num='ALL' THEN 1

               WHEN (Cln_Num = @Cln_Num) THEN 1

               WHEN @Cln_Num = 999  THEN 999 ELSE 0 END = 1


    in case the cln_num actually is 1 but if it works for your data, there' more than one way to skin a cat.  Overall the approach is slick.


  • Personnally the problem with that approach can show up in a poor execution planned being stored and you loose som performance.

    I would do this instead.

    -- Primary SP entry point can be reached by using SP name or SP name and ;1

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.usp_SelectClient;1

     @Cln_Num char(4) = 'ALL' -- Set default as all so if someone passes without the parameter it won't fail.



    IF @Cln_Num IN ('ALL','999')

     EXEC dbo.usp_SelectClient;2


     EXEC dbo.usp_SelectClient;3 @Cln_Num


    -- Alter SP code to return all records. Can reach directly with SP name and ;2

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.usp_SelectClient;2



    Select Cln_Num from dbo.Clients


    -- Alter SP code to return specific records. Can reach directly with SP name and ;3

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.usp_SelectClient;2

     @Cln_Num char(4) -- Note no Default here as should not be needed unless you decide to call this directly in some app.



    Select Cln_Num from dbo.Clients WHERE Cln_Num = @Cln_Num


    Note: when ran you will get 2 message for SP;1 about not finding ;2 and ;3 for dependencies. This is not an issue.

    The biggest advantage is you now get a seperate execution plan for All records and 1 for specific records from thsi method.

  • barsuk,

    Haven't used the case statement in the WHERE clause, but you could use an OR statment to accomplish the same thing.

    Select Cln_Num from Clients

    WHERE ( (lowercase(@Cln_Num)='all') OR (Cln_Num = @Cln_Num) )

    In this example, if the user enters all, no records are filtered.  If the user enters a client #, then the the WHERE clause will filter only those records equal to the input parameter.


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