Alerting bug

  • I have found a SQL Agent bug which I can reproduce on several of our servers, and I'm wondering if anyone else has run across it.  When setting up Operator groups (sql2k, sp3a), any name entered on the "Email name" line which follows a name containing a double letter (i.e., rhaas or Robert Haas) has letters appended to it when a message is sent.  The solution is to put the double letter name at the end of the list.  If you have two names with double letters, you have to create a second Operator group and separate out the two names.

    For instance, if I set up an Operator group as rhaas; jsmith, upon sending an alert, only rhaas will receive the email.  The SQLAgent log will show an error that "jsmithas" is not a valid recipient.  With fully qualified email addresses it will append an extra "om" at the end of .com (.comom).

    Is this a known issue with SQL Agent, SQLMail, or with Exchange?  I didn't get any hits on Google or MSKB.  Or is it some sort of issue with our network?

    I am working on converting everything to NetIQ and SMTP alerting, so this will all be moot for me, but I'm curious to see if anyone else has experienced this.


  • I have encountered this issue or a similar on, the way a solve it was to put a space between recipients after the semicolon.

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