Small WHERE clause problem

  • Goodmorning everybody,

    I have a simple stored procedure which returns invoice details A) for invoices within a given period or B) for all invoices. Something like

    ALTER procedure _getInvoices ( @DateFrom as datetime = null, @DateUntil as datetime) AS

    SELECT invoice.* FROM invoice WHERE (@DateFrom  IS NULL AND @DateUntil IS NULL) or ( BETWEEN @DateFrom AND @DateUntil)

    As usual this example is simplified, but the question is: is there a better solution in terms of performance?

    Thank you for your attention,


    Dutch Anti-RBAR League

  • Avoid NULL !

    ALTER procedure _getInvoices ( @DateFrom as datetime = null, @DateUntil as datetime) AS

    if @DateFrom  IS NULL


       set @DateFrom = '1900-01-01 00:00:00.000'  


    if @DateUntil IS NULL


       set @DateUntil = '2100-01-01 00:00:00.000'  


    SELECT *

    FROM invoice

    WHERE [date] BETWEEN @DateFrom AND @DateUntil


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  • Yes, you're right about NULL. I just tried the use of a boolean bitUseDateSelection (which defaults to 0 unless both dates aren't NULL).

    The result would be something like: SELECT * FROM invoice

    WHERE @bitUseDateSelection = 0  OR [date] BETWEEN @DateFrom AND @DateUntil

    Thanks for your reply.


    Dutch Anti-RBAR League

  • That is not what I mean.

    In my previous reply I altered the sp so it would use only known values !

    What you want to perform -IMO- is to have predicates activated using whatever mechanism. I don't know if that's the good way.

    Anyway perform positive testing , combined with AND.

    WHERE @bitUseDateSelection = 1  and [date] BETWEEN @DateFrom AND @DateUntil

    Prefer the use of "and".

    I try to write optimal queries for each combination or grouped combination (when each is to many) of search-arguments, so the querypath is optimal.

    Check your querypaths and determine the combinations.

    Your effort to optimize will be a gain for every appliciaton using your sp.

    Keep in mind that your sp will only be compiled once unless you specify it has to recompile (check BOL)



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  • Roger that



    Dutch Anti-RBAR League

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