Mixed Case Values

  • What is the best way to convert an upper/lower case string into a mixed case string in a stored procedure.


    HAVE A NICE DAY! = Have A Nice Day!



  • There may be a better way but this is what I thought of


    declare  @string varchar(500)

     ,@xmldoc varchar(1000)

     ,@xmlDocReturn int

     ,@returnString varchar(200)

    -- create xml document

    SET @string = 'have a nice day'

    SET @string = REPLACE(@string, ' ','" /><item value="')

    SET @string = '<item value="' + @string + '" />'

    set @xmlDoc = '<STRINGCONV>' + @string + '</STRINGCONV>'

    exec sp_xml_preparedocument @xmlDocReturn OUTPUT, @xmlDoc

    SELECT @returnString = ''

    SELECT @returnString = @returnString + ' ' + CASE WHEN LEN(StringValue) > 1

     THEN UPPER(SUBSTRING(StringValue,1,1)) + LOWER(SUBSTRING(StringValue,2,LEN(StringValue)-1))




    FROM OPENXML(@xmlDocReturn,'/STRINGCONV/item')

    WITH (StringValue VARCHAR(50) '@value')

    exec sp_xml_removedocument @xmlDocReturn

    select LTRIM(RTRIM(@returnString))


    hope this helps

    William O'Malley

  • Thanks William. That worked gr8!!!

  • Create a function, then use this function in your stored proc.

    /*This function will evaluate an input string and convert it to title-case format.

    it uses the delimchars parameter to determine what are the triggering characters

     to indicate capitalization of the subsequent character*/

    CREATE FUNCTION  fnTitleCase (@instring nvarchar(256))

    RETURNS nvarchar(256)



      DECLARE @strptr INT

      DECLARE @outstring nvarchar(255)

      DECLARE @strChar char(1)

      DECLARE @delimchars nvarchar(256)

      SET @outstring = ''

      SET @strptr = 0

      IF @delimchars is NULL

        /* Plug in typical upper-case delimiters

     NOTE: For localization purposes, you may wish to modify this */

        SET @delimchars = ' ''-_.,'

      /* Loop through the entire string */

      WHILE @strPtr < len(RTRIM(@instring))


          SET @strptr = @strptr + 1

          SET @strchar = SUBSTRING(@instring,@strptr,1)

          IF @strptr = 1

     /* Assume that first character must always being upper-cased*/

            SET @outstring = UPPER(@strchar)


    /*Check for other upper-case trigger character */

            IF CHARINDEX(SUBSTRING(@instring,(@strptr - 1),1),@delimchars) > 0

    --          SET @outstring = SUBSTRING(@outstring,1,@strptr)+UPPER(@strchar)

              SET @outstring = @outstring+UPPER(@strchar)


              SET @outstring = @outstring+LOWER(@strchar)


       RETURN @outstring




  • Here's a really simple solution to the problem

    create procedure StringToMixedCase


      @str varchar(255) OUTPUT



    Declare @space smallint

    --Add Space to start to aid in the change

    SET @STR = lower(' ' + @STR)

    SET @space = 0 -- Necessary else the next line returns null

    SET @space = charindex(' ',@str,@space )

    -- Loop through the string and replace the spaces

    WHILE (@space > 0)


     SET  @STR = replace(@str,substring(@str,@space,2),upper(substring(@str,@space,2)))

     SET @space = charindex(' ',@str,@space+1)


    SET @STR = rtrim(ltrim(@str))

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