Running Values Strategy

  • The problem is creating a "running value" - calculating the result in the current row, based on the result in the previous row, which in turn is calculated from the row before, etc...

    It would be nice if calculated columns could handle this, but it seems to me they only work for calculations involving values on the same row in the table.

    Here's an example of the problem:








    The table is sorted by Day, R_Sum is a running sum, and MV is moving value, borrowed from hendrasd (


    MV = (Previous MV) + .2 * (Sales - Previous MV)

    which simplifies to:

    MV = .8 * Previous MV + .2 * Sales

    The first MV = Sales.

    As far as I can tell, running values can either be coded via loops or tricks that can be used to avoid loops.

    The R_Sum is fairly simple and can be coded w/o a loop:

    update Table1
    set R_Sum = (select sum(b.Sales)
    from Table1 b
    where b.nDay <= Table1.nDay)

    MV can also be calculated w/o a loop, but the math is too difficult for SQL Server - accuracy diminishes. Therefore a loop is best:

    declare @c int
    declare @cEnd int
    select @cEnd = max(nDay) from table1
    select @c = min(nDay) from table1

    update table1
    set MV = Sales where nDay = @c

    WHILE @c < @cEnd
    set @c = @c +1
    update table1
    set MV =
    (select .8 * t.MV from table1 t
    where t.nDay = table1.nDay - 1)
    + .2 * Sales
    where table1.nDay = @c

    Does anyone know of another way to calculate running values in SQL Server? I get the feeling that I might be missing something

    Data: Easy to spill, hard to clean up!

  • Search the forums for a thread named 'Help me beat EXCEL' or something like that. Must have been activ in April. Can't help you with the actual thread ID, for I am not at work right now. IIRC, there were several solutions for your problem.



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • This is the article Frank mentions...

    . . Greg

    Greg M Lucas MCDBA, MCSE

    Greg M Lucas
    "Your mind is like a parachute, it has to be open to work" - Frank Zappa

  • You can use a powerful but little-known technique, namely a running update with variables:

    DECLARE @Sales DECIMAL(10,2), @MV DECIMAL(10,2)

    SELECT @Sales = 0, @MV = 0

    UPDATE Table1

    SET @MV = MV = CASE WHEN nDay = 1 THEN Sales ELSE 0.8*@MV + 0.2*Sales END,

    @Sales = Sales

    You do need a clustered index on the field that determines the order (nDay in this case) to ensure that the rows are updated in the right order. This method is MUCH faster than using a cursor or a while loop!

    Jorg Jansen

    Manager Database Development


    The Netherlands

    Jorg Jansen
    Manager Database Development
    The Netherlands

  • quote:

    You can use a powerful but little-known technique, namely a running update with variables:

    I agree - in many cases it has been the optimal solution for me when dealing with spreadsheet-like calculations.

  • I would calculate the Value at INSERT time so that you don't have to do it after the fact!!

    * Noel

  • Wow!! that's awesome There should be prizes for great solutions like that.

    I learned a few things:

    1. I didn't know a double assignment would work.

    2. I didn't know a clustered index would ensure the order in an update - is this behavior documented somewhere or just assumed?

    3. Asking questions on sqlservercentral pays off!

    Your solution is probably much faster, and is certainly more straightfoward, concise & easy to read. Look at it after we get rid of the unnecessary @sales & case:

    DECLARE @MV real
    SELECT @MV = Sales from table1 where nDay = 1

    UPDATE Table1
    SET @MV = MV = 0.8*@MV + 0.2*Sales

    Remember hendrasd's problem also included separate items in an Item column. This could probably be solved via a loop for each item, or maybe better, a table variable to store running update values for each item.

    Thanks again, I really learned something. Where are you in the Netherlands? I met my wife in Utrecht.

    Data: Easy to spill, hard to clean up!

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