QOD 10/20

  • Hi there,

    I really wonder why nobody yet has complained about todays' QOD.

    One might be inclined to think that BOL is once again not always clear on that what was the 'correct' answer.

    Anyway I like this kind of questions !



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
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  • How come I got this question wrong when I answered based off the following:

    Space is allocated to tables and indexes in increments of one extent (eight 8-kilobyte pages) at a time. Each time an extent is filled, another is allocated. Indexes on very small or empty tables will use single page allocations until eight pages have been added to the index and then will switch to extent allocations. For a report on the amount of space allocated and used by an index, use sp_spaceused

    Just curious...... and frustrated

    AJ Ahrens


    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens


  • Methinks columns and pages r holey different animals. Someone correct me if I'm wrong - pages are the units in which data is physically stored on the disk. Columns are programming objects in SQLServer.

    The wording of #4 may be confusing. Instead of "index columns", it could be worded, "columns that comprise a index". The width is the total # of bytes in the index. This is found by adding together all the column widths. 900 bytes is the limit.

    There might also be confusion if someone thinks of full text query, which probably allows greater width indexing.

    BTW - great QOD.

    Data: Easy to spill, hard to clean up!

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