General TSQL question-

  • Help Please...

    I have a four col result set from a union query.





















    I'd like to select id, desc and a third col (count of total/count of Gtotal) from this result set.  Is there a way to do this without creating temp tables?  All suggestions are appreciated.


  • Let's say you original SELECT was

    SELECT id, desc, SUM(Total) as [count], SUM(GTotal) as flag

    FROM MyTable

    GROUP BY id, desc, flag


    then you can use the original query as a derived table as follows...

    SELECT id, desc,

         SUM(CASE WHEN flag = 'Total' then [count] else 0 end) /

         SUM(CASE WHEN flag = 'GTotal' then [count] else 0 end)  as Expr

    FROM (

         SELECT id, desc, SUM(Total) as [count], SUM(GTotal) as flag

         FROM MyTable

         GROUP BY id, desc, flag) OrgSet

    GROUP BY id, desc


    Something like this should work OK, you may want to add ZERO checking in the devisor if it's a poss. value.

    Once you understand the BITs, all the pieces come together

  • Thank you ThomasH.  I'll try it first thing in the morning.  Although I'm not very clear on sum(Total) and sum(GTotal) since they are texts and not number.


    Thanks again,

  • select [id], [desc], convert(float,Sum_Total) / convert(float,Sum_GTotal)

    from (

    SELECT [id], [desc], SUM(case flag when "Total" then [count] else 0 end ) as Sum_Total, SUM(case flag when "GTotal" then [count] else 0 end ) as Sum_GTotal

    FROM MyTable

    GROUP BY [id], [desc]

    ) A

    order by [id], [desc]



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  • Thank you for replying but unfortunately neither worked for me. I think that I'll make separate tables and deal with them that way.

  • Don't give up yet...

    Can you post your SELECT that gives yo your original result set?

    Once you understand the BITs, all the pieces come together

  • the double quotes should be single quotes in this query. Then it should work just fine.


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  • Thank you alzdba I'll give it a try, however, I was able to do what I wanted by reshaping the query from vertical to horizontal.  Unfortunantly, I was not able to post yesterday as I was not able to type in this box nor the subject box

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