Problem with stored procedure

  • hi

    here is the code

    create PROCEDURE StProc_ProcessCustomer


    @CustID VarChar(10)

    @x_Email VarChar(75),

    @x_First_Name VarChar(20),

    @x_Last_Name VarChar(30),

    @x_address VarChar(50),

    @x_City VarChar(50),

    @x_state VarChar(30),

    @x_Zip VarChar(10),

    @x_Country VarChar(50),

    @x_phone VarChar(30),

    @x_fax VarCHar(30) = NULL,

    @Password VarChar(20),

    @SearchPhone VarChar(20),

    @FullName VarChar(50)




    DECLARE @CustID VarChar(10)

    -- Make sure this is a new customer


    WHERE EmailAddress = @x_Email)

    Set @CustID = CustID


    UPDATE TblCustomers SET

    FirstName = @x_first_name, LastName = @x_last_name,

    Addressline1 = @x_address, City = @x_city,

    State = @x_state, Zip = @x_zip,

    Country = @x_country, Phone = @x_phone,

    FaxNumber = @x_fax, CustPassword = @password,

    SearchPhone = @SearchPhone

    WHERE CustID = @CUstID

    END -- IF EXISTS(SELECT @CustID FROM TblCustomers ...



    -- get new customer number and insert new record

    Select NextCustNo AS CustID FROM TblMisc

    Set @CustID = NextCustNo

    Update TblMisc SET NextCustNo = (NextCustNo + 1)

    INSERT TblCustomers (

    CustID, FirstName, LastName, Addressline1, City, FullName,

    State, Zip, Country, Phone, ShipAddr1,

    ShipCity, ShipState, ShipZip,

    ShipCountry, FaxNumber, SearchPhone, EmailAddress,

    NoOfSales, GrossSales, DiscountsUsed, Premiums, OneQuickClick,

    HasOtherShipping, NoOfVisits, NoOfDownloads, AvaMP3,

    SubsType, SubsCurrRenew, SubsNextRenew, SubsStart, CustPassword )

    VALUES (

    @CustID, @x_first_name, @x_last_name, @x_address, @x_city, @FullName,

    @x_state, @x_zip, @x_country, @x_phone, @x_address,

    @x_city, @x_state, @x_zip,

    @x_country, @x_fax, @searchPhone, @x_email,

    0, 0, 0, 0, 0,

    0, 0, 0, 0,

    'N', NULL, NULL, NULL, @Password )

    END -- IF EXISTS(SELECT @CustID FROM TblCustomers ...

    -- Return Results

    SELECT CustID, EmailAddress

    FROM TblCustomers

    WHERE CustID = @CustID

    END -- InsertCustomer


    I'm not getting the existing custID ... I'm real new to stored procedures (this is my third). I'm trying to pass the fields I need to update customer if he exists or to create a new record if he does not. I need it to return the CustomerID and email address. I didn't get a syntax error, just no return and no update. Could someone point me in the right direction?


  • A couple of problems I can see immediately:

    The code:

    WHERE EmailAddress = @x_Email)
    Set @CustID = CustID

    ...assume the previous SELECT returns custID, but it doesn't, it simply checks existence.

    Also, the stuff from BEGIN onwards will always be executed, because the SET statement is the only one dependent on the IF.

    An alternative is:

    SELECT @CustID = CustID FROM TblCustomers
    WHERE EmailAddress = @x_Email
    IF @@ROWCOUNT > 0 -- Yes it exists and @CustID now contains the CustID


    - Mark

    - Mark

  • Hi

    it works 🙂 ... BUT it doesn't return anything. I run it and it says "no recordset returned" what am I missing??

    thanks, Lynda


    A couple of problems I can see immediately:

    The code:

    WHERE EmailAddress = @x_Email)
    Set @CustID = CustID

    ...assume the previous SELECT returns custID, but it doesn't, it simply checks existence.

    Also, the stuff from BEGIN onwards will always be executed, because the SET statement is the only one dependent on the IF.

    An alternative is:

    SELECT @CustID = CustID FROM TblCustomers
    WHERE EmailAddress = @x_Email
    IF @@ROWCOUNT > 0 -- Yes it exists and @CustID now contains the CustID


    - Mark

  • Can you re-post the current code?


    - Mark

    - Mark

  • It's fixed ... I had a return before my last select (the one that returns my current values) I pulled out the return and it works.

    here is the current code:

    create PROCEDURE dbo.StProc_ProcessCustomer


    @x_Email VarChar(75),

    @x_First_Name VarChar(20),

    @x_Last_Name VarChar(30),

    @x_address VarChar(50),

    @x_City VarChar(50),

    @x_state VarChar(30),

    @x_Zip VarChar(10),

    @x_Country VarChar(50),

    @x_phone VarChar(30),

    @x_fax VarCHar(30) = NULL,

    @Password VarChar(20),

    @SearchPhone VarChar(20),

    @FullName VarChar(50)




    DECLARE @CustID VarChar(10)

    -- Make sure this is a new customer

    SELECT @CustID = CustID FROM TblCustomers

    WHERE EmailAddress = @x_Email

    IF @@ROWCOUNT > 0

    -- Yes it exists and @CustID now contains the CustID


    UPDATE TblCustomers SET

    FirstName = @x_first_name, LastName = @x_last_name,

    Addressline1 = @x_address, City = @x_city,

    State = @x_state, Zip = @x_zip,

    Country = @x_country, Phone = @x_phone,

    FaxNumber = @x_fax, CustPassword = @password,

    SearchPhone = @SearchPhone

    WHERE CustID = @CUstID

    END -- IF @@ROWCOUNT > 0 ...



    DECLARE @NextCustNo VarChar(10)

    -- get new customer number and insert new record

    Select @NextCustNo = NextCustNo FROM TblMisc

    Set @CustID = @NextCustNo

    Update TblMisc SET NextCustNo = (NextCustNo + 1)

    INSERT TblCustomers (

    CustID, FirstName, LastName, Addressline1, City, FullName,

    State, Zip, Country, Phone, ShipAddr1,

    ShipCity, ShipState, ShipZip,

    ShipCountry, FaxNumber, SearchPhone, EmailAddress,

    NoOfSales, GrossSales, DiscountsUsed, Premiums, OneQuickClick,

    HasOtherShipping, NoOfVisits, NoOfDownloads, AvaMP3,

    SubsType, SubsCurrRenew, SubsNextRenew, SubsStart, CustPassword )

    VALUES (

    @CustID, @x_first_name, @x_last_name, @x_address, @x_city, @FullName,

    @x_state, @x_zip, @x_country, @x_phone, @x_address,

    @x_city, @x_state, @x_zip,

    @x_country, @x_fax, @searchPhone, @x_email,

    0, 0, 0, 0, 0,

    0, 0, 0, 0,

    'N', NULL, NULL, NULL, @Password )

    END -- IF EXISTS(SELECT @CustID FROM TblCustomers ...

    -- Return Results

    SELECT CustID, EmailAddress

    FROM TblCustomers

    WHERE CustID = @CustID


    END -- ProcessCustomer



    Can you re-post the current code?


    - Mark

  • Good to see.

    An observation though... you're using a separate table for the "next customer id". This has the potential to get out of sync or to cause locking/blocking problems, as I've seen happen.

    A couple of alternatives:

    a) Have TblCustomers.CustID as an INTEGER IDENTITY field, so the next value is automatically assigned.

    b) Have your INSERT code select and increment the max CustID from the TblCustomers table itself, rather than another table. I would assume CustID is indexed (because you do an UPDATE .... WHERE CustID = @CUstID), so selecting MAX(CustID) should be fast.

    c) Tell me to mind my own business


    - Mark

    - Mark

  • A couple more comments. What is the reasoning behind using a varchar field for the NextCustNo and CustID fields? As Mark stated it seems these fields should be INTEGERS and at the very least the NextCustNo might be better as an identity column.

    I would also make the @CustID parameter an output parameter so that you can pass up to the calling procedure/app the new CustID.

    One more thing is that I'm surprised that you don't have this wrapped in a transaction. It would seem to me that you would want to roll this back if you have an error so you might want to check into transactions for this.

    Gary Johnson

    Microsoft Natural Language Group

    DBA, Sr. DB Engineer

    Gary Johnson
    Microsoft Natural Language Group
    DBA, Sr. DB Engineer

    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights. The opinions expressed in this post are my own and may not reflect that of my employer.

  • I know, I know ... now. This is a system that is 4 years old and started life as an access database that I ported to SQL Server. It is also been a education for me. I just started using stored procedures, this is my third ... the first two were simple select procedures. This one was built because I saw the improved performance with just the two simple ones I did before. It aslo provided much more control over what was going on and a simpler way to code the ASP pages that use it. And you guys know all of this.

    Yes, the CustID shold be an integer, and yes it should have been an Identity field. I have no clue how to take my existing data (145,000 customer records) and make it all good. I can't change the custID because these folks all have cookies that reference that. I'm trying to learn here and you guys have been wonderful.


    A couple more comments. What is the reasoning behind using a varchar field for the NextCustNo and CustID fields? As Mark stated it seems these fields should be INTEGERS and at the very least the NextCustNo might be better as an identity column.

    I would also make the @CustID parameter an output parameter so that you can pass up to the calling procedure/app the new CustID.

    One more thing is that I'm surprised that you don't have this wrapped in a transaction. It would seem to me that you would want to roll this back if you have an error so you might want to check into transactions for this.

    Gary Johnson

    Microsoft Natural Language Group

    DBA, Sr. DB Engineer

  • oh, yeah ... I changed this procedure and added transaction code:

    DECLARE @NextCustNo VarChar(10)

    -- get new customer number and insert new record


    Select @NextCustNo = NextCustNo FROM TblMisc

    Set @CustID = @NextCustNo

    Update TblMisc SET NextCustNo = (NextCustNo + 1)



    A couple more comments. What is the reasoning behind using a varchar field for the NextCustNo and CustID fields? As Mark stated it seems these fields should be INTEGERS and at the very least the NextCustNo might be better as an identity column.

    I would also make the @CustID parameter an output parameter so that you can pass up to the calling procedure/app the new CustID.

    One more thing is that I'm surprised that you don't have this wrapped in a transaction. It would seem to me that you would want to roll this back if you have an error so you might want to check into transactions for this.

    Gary Johnson

    Microsoft Natural Language Group

    DBA, Sr. DB Engineer

  • I understand your problem of working with legacy systems. Sometimes there's a few warts that one just has to live with.

    One final suggestion... that all of the update code (update Next Customer Number, and Insert new Customer row) is bound by the transaction.


    - Mark

    - Mark

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