Passing data between 2 tables

  • Is there a quicker way to pass data between 2 identical tables than INSERT INTO... I am thinking maybe BCP OUT to a text file and then BULK INSERT IN to the table. Is there a way to BCP between tables?

  • Unfortunately you can't BCP between tables.

    Maybe a future version will have a BULK EXTRACT to complement BULK INSERT, or BULK INSERT from a table?

    You can use DTS but I doubt if there's any performance boost.


    - Mark

    - Mark

  • How many records. Very interesting question.

    Suppose you would have read BOL: "Logged and Minimally Logged Bulk Copy Operations"

    Maybe compare with BCP alone versus BCP out and BULK INSERT in.

  • The number of records could probably reach the 10s of millions. I am going to try BCPing to a text file then Bulk Inserting to the table. I will let you know how it turns out.

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