Scheduled DTS job fails to execute

  • Hi,

    I created a DTS package without using the wizard. The package imports data from the database to a text file and puts the text file on the ftp site. The script to put on the ftp site is on a shared network location. When I run the package manually it successfully completes but when I scheduled the package to run at a specific time it fails. I have SA rights on the database. This is the msg I receive:

    "SQL Server Scheduled Job 'TPGRMA' (0x4293E4B0698EA5488EADDB7F22FB80B6) - Status: Failed - Invoked on: 2003-08-08 09:40:00 - Message: The job failed. The Job was invoked by Schedule 43644 (TPGRMA). The last step to run was step 1 (TPGRMA). "

    Any ideas...

  • You should map the drive inside the DTS excecution. You can do it with the "net use" command.

    To avoid errors, you can choose a drive letter you don't use frecuently, map the apth to that letter and before exiting the excecution, delete that map, so it can be available in the next excecution.

    The sql agent won't see the drives mapped in you window. So you have to use one of its own.

  • If I understand you correctly when you said to map a drive inside execution are you referring to the batch file that execution is calling? I have 2 Execute Process tasks, would it be possible to find out how should I go about mapping the drives in the Execute process task if that's what you meant?

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