December 13, 2002 at 7:35 am
I encountered an issue with using either left outer join, join ... on two (2) tables that I used. The REGCOMPANY in the example stores company profile (one record per company). The REGATTENDEE stores all attendees for a certain company.
If I join the two tables with the REGATTENDEE as the left table, as in the following code, the result set are two (2) rows, which is contrary to what I currently have in the database. The expected result set (based on querying the two tables separately), should be just ONE row.
/*** --------------- ***/
select *
from regattendee ra join regcompany rc on ra.companykey=rc.companykey
where ra.showno='0184' and rc.companyclass='BUYER'
and rtrim('UNITED STATES' and ra.badgestatus='N'
and ra.contactid='MG00240158'
order by rc.companyname, ra.contactlname, ra.contactfname
/*** --------------- ***/
You may suggest using 'distinct' with the select statement, which I did
with the following code:
/*** --------------- ***/
select distinct(ra.contactid), rc.companyname
from regattendee ra join regcompany rc on ra.companykey=rc.companykey
where ra.contactid='MG00240158'
/*** --------------- ***/
The result set is just one row. BUT the issue remains on the first code.
The first code meets all the requirements of properly written code BUT there seems to be problem with using JOIN on the two tables.
Any solution or tips will be greatly appreciated ... may be you have encountered this seeming contradiction before ...
December 13, 2002 at 8:09 am
What do the following queries return?
select *
from regattendee ra
and ra.badgestatus='N'
and ra.contactid='MG00240158'
select *
from regcompany rc
and rtrim('UNITED STATES'
Andy Jones
December 13, 2002 at 10:52 am
Thanks for the response ... I can't figure where you are leading at but
here are the results using the count(*)
(1 row(s) affected)
(1 row(s) affected)
thanks ...
December 13, 2002 at 5:53 pm
it's ok ... i got the solution which i will post next week
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