Setting up connection to OLAP Server

  • I am trying to set up a cube and I am getting the following message when I try and submit a query from QA:

    Server: Msg 7302, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Could not create an instance of OLE DB provider 'MSOLAP'.

    OLE DB error trace [Non-interface error: CoCreate of DSO for MSOLAP returned 0x80040154].

    I suspect that I haven't got the linked server properties right but I don't know what they should be. Any one know?


  • Hi Jeremy,

    I used the following to add a linked server (using QA) but I would suggest taking the appropriate pieces and put them in right places in the GUI version in SQL Ent Mgr. There is one little gotcha listed in the BOL, it sort of skims over it but I found I couldn't get it to work if I didn't have it set. When you select the MSOLAP Services 8.0 as the provider, then click the "Provider Options" button, and check/select the 'Allow InProcess' checkbox. If you do run the SQL to create the linked server, then you can go back and change this setting by faking the creation of a new linked server.

    BTW, am assuming my AS security is working because I have an 'All Users' role on the Foodmart 2000 catalog that contains the 'Everyone' win group.



    EXEC sp_addlinkedserver

    @server='LINKED_OLAP', /* local SQL name given to the

    linked server */

    @srvproduct='', /* not used */

    @provider='MSOLAP', /* OLE DB provider */

    @datasrc='ZAPWKSTEVEN', /* analysis server name (machine name) */

    @catalog='foodmart 2000' /* default catalog/database */


    /* Two additional procedures obtain information about the

    tables and columns available in the cube. It is not

    necessary to use them to complete the link.*/

    /* This provides schema rowset information about

    the dimensions available from the linked server */

    EXEC sp_tables_ex



    /* This provides schema rowset information about the

    measures and levels of the dimensions

    available from the linked server */

    EXEC sp_columns_ex



    select * from openquery

    ( LINKED_OLAP, 'SELECT { [measures].[unit sales]} ON COLUMNS,

    {[product].children} ON ROWS

    FROM [sales] ')


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