Multiple instances of DTS Package

  • Hi,

    I have a DTS package which takes parameter to copy data from source to destination based on the parameter value. I was just wondering that can multiple users tun the same DTS package with different paramter values at same time.

    In other word can multple instance of same DTS package be run. I think it should but just to make sure, sorry for very basic question but just to clear up the concept.

    Kind REgards,


  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Yes they can.

    I have the generic FTP packages run at the same time - and actually they (if the files are not where expected) will wait and restart in a sort of the loop.

    I have up to 4 instances of the same package

    run at the same time.

    And all is working fine.


    Edited by - ipTomN on 12/19/2002 08:12:56 AM

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