Backup Strategies - Third Party Solutions

  • Hi,

    We just upgraded our sql server 7.0 database (size 60 gigs) to a SQL Server 2000. We currenty use BackupExec 8.6 build 3878 with Sql Server agent to backup the system.(It also houses our production JDE Application) We used Arcserve on our old database.

    We are experiencing a couple of problems..

    1. The transaction logs are not truncating. We have the backup set to full recovery in the hopes that BackupExec would backup both the the log(truncate it) and the database. This doesn't seem to be the case. Do we need to change a setting to get this to work? What would we loose if set the backup to simple??

    2. Is Backupexec the best third party solution. We do not have room to backup the database to disk, so we are backing up directy to tape. Does anyone recommend a different package for this?

    Thanks for your help in Advance


  • If you are tight on disk space, what about a remove disk backup? Preferred to tapes.

    Also, look at SQL Litespeed ( It compresses the backups and runs faster than the native backup.

    Steve Jones

  • I am not sure that BackupExec actually truncates the log files. In 2000 I usually run BACKUP LOG dbanme WITH TURNCATE_ONLY, then do a Full backup with BACKUP DATABASE then DBCC SHRINKFILE on the log file if bloated to much. However I do suggest set a max growth size for the Transaction Log and have an alert fire a message to you when it is nearly full to keep from bloating to much.

    I haven't tried SQLLiteSpeed but the compression does sound nice, however I haven't check to see if the compression has a maximum size limit like zip does with it's 4GB, I would check before purchasing.

    I personally use Backup Database to tape or local drive without a third party app. In the case of local files these are on machines where BackupExec runs to pickup the files no DB interfacing, seems less troublesome based on a previous experience and what others have reported.

  • If you must use a third-party solution, use the one you are using for all your other system backups. Veritas is good.

    but I agree with Steve, do what ever you can to backup to disk. And ideally, backup to a different server, or at least a different RAID set.

    A single 72gig SCSI can be had for about $700, IDE much less.

    If the database is 60gig, then the backup device size is usually much less, perhaps about 1/2 the size. With a db this size, I suspect you are doing weekly fulls, nightly differentials (or more frequent) and trans every xx minutes. Once to disk, then backup to tape.

    What's the business problem you're trying to solve?

  • There is not a 4GB limitation with SQL LiteSpeed.

    Some of our clients are using it to back up 100+ GB databases and there is one client that is using it to backup a 700+ GB database. You will generally get around a 70%+ savings in compression compared to native backup commands. This space savings is also passed on to your tape copy, because you are backing up a compressed file.

    In addition to the compression there is also a huge time savings. The backups are generally 2-3 times faster using SQL LiteSpeed.

    In addition, you are able to use T-SQL to execute the backups and restores, which means it gives the DBA total control over the backup process.

    I also agree that backing up to disk then to tape is the best solution.

    Greg Robidoux

    Edgewood Solutions

    Greg Robidoux
    Edgewood Solutions

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