Export of BIGINT becomes INT

  • Hi,

    I was wondering if you have come accross the following problem. (SQL SERVER 2000 SP 2)

    When you export a table with a bigint from one database to another on the same machine a bigint is changing value. It appears that the bigint (8byte) is being truncated to int(4byte) and back again.

    This might have something to do with the ODBC driver ?

    Have you see this before ?




  • I don't see the problem on my sql 2000 box sp1. Why are you using ODBC? Why not the SQL OLE DB Provider for sql server? Do you know how to read visual basic code? you could save the DTS package as a Visual Basic File, open it up in Visual Basic and see what it is actually doing. To do this click Package-->Save As--> choose Visual Basic File in the "Location" DropDown box. Good Luck

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