ActiveX Script in DTS (Help)

  • What am I doing wrong. The code below runs a DTS package which outputs data from sql server 2000 to an excel spreadsheet.

    I have to views that I want to output however only 1 outputs and they are put in separate files rather than in the same

    excel spreadsheet (which i am defining in the constants.

    Example 2 views. I have made a dts package that is to output to and excel file. All I want to do is have this code change the

    source name in each of the 2 source files, which are located in a dts packaged together and then output 1 view to a worksheet

    and outoput the other view to a worksheet of its own all in the same spreadheet.

    When the package is run manually and the output source entered manually I get the final result.

    and excel file (i.e. text.xls) and 2 worksheets inside the excel file that represent each of the views.

    What do I need to do to have this code just change the output file and get the package to dump the data into a newly named file.

    I probably confused you so please hit me with questions.

    Thanks in advance.



    ' Visual Basic ActiveX Script


    Option Explicit


    ' Public Constants


    Const sFilesOutboundDirectory = "\\ss-046\ServicePaks\test.xls"

    Const sFilesOutboundDirectory1 = "\\ss-046\ServicePaks\test.xls"


    ' Main


    Function Main()

    Dim oExportDSDataConnection, oCommand, oDTSPackage, vExcelFile, bPackageExecutionInfo

    Dim oExportDSDataConnection1, oCommand1, oDTSPackage1, vExcelFile1, bPackageExecutionInfo1

    Set oExportDSDataConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

    oExportDSDataConnection.provider = "SQLOLEDB" "DB1", "ds_export", "export"

    oExportDSDataConnection.defaultdatabase = "DS"

    Set oExportDSDataConnection1 = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

    oExportDSDataConnection1.provider = "SQLOLEDB" "DB1", "ds_export", "export"

    oExportDSDataConnection1.defaultdatabase = "DS"

    Set oCommand = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")

    Set oCommand.ActiveConnection = oExportDSDataConnection

    oCommand.CommandType = 4

    Set oCommand1 = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")

    Set oCommand1.ActiveConnection = oExportDSDataConnection

    oCommand1.CommandType = 4

    ' Set package output folder and name

    Set oDTSPackage = CreateObject("DTS.Package")

    oDTSPackage.LoadFromSQLServer "DB1", "ds_export", "export",,,,,"DTS_Weekly_Datasource_Export_to_Excel_Test_Aux"

    Set oDTSPackage1 = CreateObject("DTS.Package")

    oDTSPackage1.LoadFromSQLServer "DB1", "ds_export", "export",,,,,"DTS_Weekly_Datasource_Export_to_Excel_Test_Evt"

    vExcelFile = sFilesOutboundDirectory

    vExcelFile1 = sFilesOutboundDirectory1

    oDTSPackage.Connections(2).DataSource = vExcelFile


    oDTSPackage1.Connections(2).DataSource = vExcelFile1



    Set oDTSPackage = nothing


    Set oDTSPackage1 = nothing

    End Function

  • Have you tried using a XLS data source and transformations to it from your SQL Server. It's not ActiveScript but it is more DTS intuitive.

    I usually proof my scripting in ASP pages or in VBA and then alter for DTS ActiveScript, but usually as a last resort to a SQL solutions.

    I have also had success setting up template spreadsheets with Data Queries and Pivots that are called from DTS Script to refresh them selves. Then I copy out the file for end users.


    I don't have experience with the path you are looking at.



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