Output a Recset back to asp via DTS OutputAsRecord

  • Hopefully this is my last question for the project I am working on: Via ASP hit sql2k DTS package pass in some input variables, throw some data around, and now my LAST step is to return a recordset to ASP via the same DTS package.

    I have read about implementing the OutputAsRecordset from the ExecuteSQLTask2, but have no idea of how to attack this.

    I would like the same package to return a recordset to asp page. Ideas on how?


  • This is an intriguing query. Can you explain a little more as to what you're wanting DTS to do for you. Why, for instance, do you need to DTS to return the recordest rather than a straight query

    I have found it is possible to please all of the people all of the time if you do exactly what they want. Harold Macmillan 1961

    I have found it is possible to please all of the people all of the time if you do exactly what they want. Harold Macmillan 1961

  • I have just found the wonderful world of executing dynamic DTS packages from ASP.

    The package in particular starts off by taking in an input param transforming some data from one table to another.

    Back on the front end after this has been performed I need a recordset consisting of some of the records just inserted. I could of course just hit the table from ASP via Stored Proc, but i heard of the ability to run <b>Execute SQL Task</b> from DTS and save to global variable. ASP then can pick up on this global variable which is a Recordset.

    Mind you this is what I have read but I have yet to see some code on doing this.

    If any ideas...

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