DTS Schedule fails on Windows 2000

  • Another bump in the road in our quest to move from an NT box to a Windows 2000 box. I have several DTS packages that I can run just fine as a DTS local package. But when I schedule the DTS package, it fails. The only error I get under "view job history" is "failed". The error message is "The job failed. The Job was invoked by Schedule 1 (HSA1999). The last step to run was step 1 (HSA1999)." This job is set up exactly the same on our NT machine and runs fine under the scheduler. Why won't it run under the Windows 2000 scheduler?

  • Not a lot of info to go on here, what is the DTS package doing? data extract from Oracle? Creating a file on the server ? Off the top of my head if you say you can run the package locallly, I would look at security settings on the Win 2000 server, also what versions of MDAC / EM running on your client Vs Server.



  • I'm assuming you are running the DTS package from SQL Server Agent based on the error message you've given. Is the SQLServerAgent service running under the same account on the Windows 2000 system as it was on the NT 4 system?

    K. Brian Kelley



    K. Brian Kelley

  • This will help you find out what the error is instead of "The job failed...". Go to the properties of the scheduled job. Go to the Steps tab and edit the step. Click Advanced and you can fill in the location for an output file. Then run the scheduled job. After it fails, you can go back to the same tab to view the file.


    Aunt Kathi Data Platform MVP
    Author of Expert T-SQL Window Functions
    Simple-Talk Editor

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