SQL Server what XML part of query is doing for XML experts

  • Can some one please tell what below query is doing specially the XML part in nested queries. I have put ---*** infront of line
    where I have some confusion if you can comment to ----- that will be great

    SELECT IID, LLID, cast(f2.SVal as XML(QD.IIDFSVal)) ----------------------*** (what is cast ( f2.Sval as  XML(QD.IIDFSVal)) means her
      FROM (Select Distinct IID, LLID
            from #tmpTableItems where FID is not null) f1
            cross apply
                       (Select FID,
                               coalesce(v_value, 0)  as SelVal,
                               case when combID > 0  then combID
                                 else null
                               end as ComdIID
                         from #tmpTableItems f2 where FID is not null
                              and f2.IID = f1.IID and f2.LLID = f1.LLID
                              for XML RAW('feat'), ELEMENTS, TYPE, ROOT('FtSel')) as f2(SVal)  -------***** what is line doing using XML

    exec Build.Log 'Migration', 'QSVal'

    drop table #tiItems
    drop table #tmpTableItems

    insert into QD.IIDFID (IID,LLID, FID)
    Select T.IID, T.LLID, T.FID
    (select q.IID,
            feat.value('(FID)[1]', 'varchar(50)') AS FID,
            feat.value('(SelVal)[1]','int') as SelVal
    FROM QSch.QTab
       cross apply SVal.nodes('/FtSel') as S(selection)   -------*** whats happening after cross apply
       cross apply S.selection.nodes('feat') as F(feat)    --------*** what happening after cross appply

    ) as T
    where T.SelVal = 1
    Group by T.IID, T.LLID, T.FID

  • Redmond01 - Thursday, October 12, 2017 9:42 AM

    Can some one please tell what below query is doing specially the XML part in nested queries. I have put ---*** infront of line
    where I have some confusion if you can comment to ----- that will be great

    SELECT IID, LLID, cast(f2.SVal as XML(QD.IIDFSVal)) ----------------------*** (what is cast ( f2.Sval as  XML(QD.IIDFSVal)) means her
      FROM (Select Distinct IID, LLID
            from #tmpTableItems where FID is not null) f1
            cross apply
                       (Select FID,
                               coalesce(v_value, 0)  as SelVal,
                               case when combID > 0  then combID
                                 else null
                               end as ComdIID
                         from #tmpTableItems f2 where FID is not null
                              and f2.IID = f1.IID and f2.LLID = f1.LLID
                              for XML RAW('feat'), ELEMENTS, TYPE, ROOT('FtSel')) as f2(SVal)  -------***** what is line doing using XML

    exec Build.Log 'Migration', 'QSVal'

    drop table #tiItems
    drop table #tmpTableItems

    insert into QD.IIDFID (IID,LLID, FID)
    Select T.IID, T.LLID, T.FID
    (select q.IID,
            feat.value('(FID)[1]', 'varchar(50)') AS FID,
            feat.value('(SelVal)[1]','int') as SelVal
    FROM QSch.QTab
       cross apply SVal.nodes('/FtSel') as S(selection)   -------*** whats happening after cross apply
       cross apply S.selection.nodes('feat') as F(feat)    --------*** what happening after cross appply

    ) as T
    where T.SelVal = 1
    Group by T.IID, T.LLID, T.FID

    The query creates an xml output by joining the table #tmpTableItems to itself using cross apply. The casting of f2.SVal to XML guarantees that the data type is correct for the insert.
    The line "for XML RAW('feat'), ELEMENTS, TYPE, ROOT('FtSel')) as f2(SVal)" dictates the XML creation, the table alias and the column name.
    The cross apply lines use the XML nodes internal table valued function to parse the XML previously generated and define the table alias and the column names.

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