How to give calculated Input paramter in SP when calculation is necessary

  • This is my stored procedure for calculating total net pay based on conditional statement.
    I am trying to pass the parameter TotalDays based on calculating  by startdate and enddate. But I am not successful. Infact, I am not sure how to give TotalDays parameters. Please give any comment to improve my procedure? Thank you.

    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[uspCalculateNetPay](
    @EmpName nvarchar(20),
    @StartDate date,
    @EndDate date,
    @TotalDays int
    SET @TotalDays = (select datediff(day,@StartDate,@EndDate));

        if(@TotalDays = 30 or @TotalDays = 31)

            SELECT e.EmployeeName,cast(Salary as decimal(8,2))as BasePay,(cast(Salary as int)*0.25) as TaxableIncome,
            cast(cast(Salary as int)-(cast(Salary as int)*0.25)as decimal(6,2)) as TotalNetPay
            FROM EmpTable e

        else if(@TotalDays < 31)
       SELECT e.EmployeeName,CAST(Salary as decimal(8,2))/30 *10 as IncompleteMonthPay,
            cast(Salary as decimal(8,2))*0.25 as TaxableIncome,
            cast(Salary as decimal(8,2))/30*30 - CAST(Salary as decimal(8,2))/30 *10 as TotalNetPay
            from EmpTable as e


  • Newbi - Saturday, August 12, 2017 2:03 AM

    This is my stored procedure for calculating total net pay based on conditional statement.
    I am trying to pass the parameter TotalDays based on calculating  by startdate and enddate. But I am not successful. Infact, I am not sure how to give TotalDays parameters. Please give any comment to improve my procedure? Thank you.

    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[uspCalculateNetPay](
    @EmpName nvarchar(20),
    @StartDate date,
    @EndDate date,
    @TotalDays int
    SET @TotalDays = (select datediff(day,@StartDate,@EndDate));

        if(@TotalDays = 30 or @TotalDays = 31)

            SELECT e.EmployeeName,cast(Salary as decimal(8,2))as BasePay,(cast(Salary as int)*0.25) as TaxableIncome,
            cast(cast(Salary as int)-(cast(Salary as int)*0.25)as decimal(6,2)) as TotalNetPay
            FROM EmpTable e

        else if(@TotalDays < 31)
       SELECT e.EmployeeName,CAST(Salary as decimal(8,2))/30 *10 as IncompleteMonthPay,
            cast(Salary as decimal(8,2))*0.25 as TaxableIncome,
            cast(Salary as decimal(8,2))/30*30 - CAST(Salary as decimal(8,2))/30 *10 as TotalNetPay
            from EmpTable as e


    Just like your function question, you're really close.  If the stored procedure is going to calculate the number of days, you don't need to pass it.  The slightly tweaked calculation is:

    SELECT @TotalDays = DATEDIFF(day, @StartDate, @EndDate);

    You can remove it from the parameters unless you want to have it returned to the calling procedure, in which case you'd have to define it as an OUTPUT parameter.

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