problem with the execution of dynamic sql

  • hi

    i have created a stored procedure in sqlserver 2008 that executes dynamic sql.

    for ex:

    create proc test

    (@empid varchar(30)

    ,@fromdate date

    ,@todate date




    declare @dept varchar(50),@sql nvarchar(max)

    select @dept=deptname from emp_dept where empid= @empid;

    set@sql=' select firstname'+'lastname,sal from emp where dept in ('+@dept+')and convert(varchar,joindate,101) between'+ @fromdate+' and '+@todate;



    i am getting errors related to date conversion

    can any one help me on this



  • Try printing out the @sql variable instead of executing it. Then copy and paste that into a new window and see what the error is. That might help trace it down.

  • Hi,

    Two steps required.


    You need to cast the fromdate and todate parameters as varchar, using CAST(X AS VARCHAR) function. Reason being, when building dynamic code you are building up a string and appending parameters to it (the @sql variable) which you later execute, therefore whatever you append to the string also needs to be a string.


    You need to add an extra quote mark in the dynamic sql so that the executable sql code contains a quote on either side of the "cast-ed" date values. You wouldn't need to do this if it were an integer but seeing as this is a string you will need to.

    Please see my solution below... I re-arranged the code a bit to make it more readable for me, but it does the same thing.

    Notice the extra quotation marks around the date parameters within the WHERE condition.

    Matt is right, you should also include a PRINT statement so you can actually see the bad syntax.

    declare @sql nvarchar(2000),

    @dept varchar(200),

    @fromdate datetime,

    @todate datetime

    select @fromdate = GETDATE(),

    @todate = GETDATE(),

    @dept = 'XYZ'

    set @sql = ''

    set @sql=@sql

    + 'select firstname, lastname, sal' + char(10)

    + 'from emp ' + char(10)

    + 'where dept in ('+@dept+')' + CHAR(10)

    + 'and convert(varchar,joindate,101) between '''+ cast(@fromdate as varchar)+''' and '''+ cast(@todate as varchar) +'''';

    print @sql


    select firstname, lastname, sal

    from emp

    where dept in (XYZ)

    and convert(varchar,joindate,101) between 'Nov 3 2009 4:55PM' and 'Nov 3 2009 4:55PM'

    Hope that helps.


  • i have modified the proc as per Lewis Dowson

    create proc test

    (@empid varchar(30)

    ,@fromdate date

    ,@todate date




    declare @dept varchar(50),@sql nvarchar(max)

    select @dept=deptname from emp_dept where empid= @empid;

    set@sql=@sql+' select firstname,lastname,sal'+char(30)

    +'from emp'+char(10)

    +' where dept in ('+@dept+')+char(30)

    +'and convert(varchar,joindate,101) between'''+ cast(@fromdate as varchar)+''' and ''''+cast(@todate as varchar) +''';

    print @sql



    this works fine.why we need to append char(?) in the dynamic sql?


    but y i am getting null values in the below sp's and print statement also not showing the query.


    create proc test

    (@empid varchar(30)

    ,@fromdate date

    ,@todate date




    declare @dept varchar(50),@sql nvarchar(max)

    select @dept=deptname from emp_dept where empid= @empid;

    set @sql='select name from t1 where name in ('+@dept+')

    and convert(varchar,d,101) between '''+ cast(@fromdate as varchar)+''' and '''+ cast(@todate as varchar) +'''';

    print @sql


    i am getting null values


    here i added OR condition also

    ALTER proc [dbo].[test3]

    (@id int

    ,@fromdt datetime

    ,@todt datetime




    --set @fromdt=GETDATE()

    --set @todt=GETDATE()

    declare @sql varchar(4000)

    declare @var varchar(4000)

    set @var=''

    select @var=name from test

    --print @var

    set @sql=''

    set @sql='select name from t1 where name in ('+@var+')

    and convert(varchar,d,101) between '''+ cast(@fromdt as varchar)+''' and '''+ cast(@todt as varchar) +''' or id='+cast(@id as varchar(10));

    PRINT @sql



    i can not able to get values and also the print satement of that query.

    what statements are wrong in both example2 and example3?

    can any one guide me on this



  • Hi Rock,

    CHAR(10) explanation

    The CHAR(10) in the dynamic SQL is a carriage return. This creates a new line in the dynamic code so that when you print it, it is not all on one line. It's not important but helpful.

    For example:

    set @sql = 'select a,b,c' + char(10)

    +'from letters'


    select a,b,c (char 10 gives new line here)

    from letters

    WITHOUT CHAR(10) it would look like this....

    select a,b,c from letters


    NULL Values

    The reason that you are returning NULL values and the PRINT statement is empty, is because one or more of the following parameters / variables is NULL.





    When appending a variable or parameter to the dynamic code you must make sure that it is NOT NULL. If you append a NULL variable or parameter to the dynamic string, the whole dynamic string becomes NULL.

    The code below shows this example.

    select 'This will make the string ' + NULL + ' empty' as NullExample

    Suggestion: Find the variable or parameter which is equal to NULL. Do this by putting the select statement outside of your dynamic code. Once you know which values are NULL you can fix the query by making sure they can not be null.

    SELECT @empid, @dept, @fromdate, @todate

    See example below.

    create proc test

    (@empid varchar(30)

    ,@fromdate date

    ,@todate date




    declare @dept varchar(50),@sql nvarchar(max)

    select @dept=deptname from emp_dept where empid= @empid;

    SELECT @empid, @dept, @fromdate, @todate

    set @sql='select name from t1 where name in ('+@dept+')

    and convert(varchar,d,101) between '''+ cast(@fromdate as varchar)+''' and '''+ cast(@todate as varchar) +'''';

    print @sql


    Try this and let me know if you still have any problems.


  • hi Lewis Dowson

    thank you very much.

    this works fine. but i am getting inconsistent data like

    execute test '5689','06/01/2008','10/10/2008'

    but i am getting values from year 2004 to 2009. it is not according to the requirement.

    I need to get values based on deptnames where joineddate between '06/01/2008' and '10/10/2008'. but i am getting inconsistent values

    how can i resolve this one



  • Rock,

    Ok, the problem is because the CAST function changes the format of the date from "01/01/2001" to "1 JAN 2001". Then when you try and use the value in the WHERE condition it is not compatible.

    The solution is to change the CAST to a CONVERT for the dates. This way it becomes a varchar but keeps the same format for the WHERE condition.

    Change the

    Before: CAST(@fromdate as varchar)

    After: CONVERT(VARCHAR, @fromdate, 101)


    Before: CAST(@todate as varchar)

    After: CONVERT(VARCHAR, @todate, 101)

    set @sql='select name from t1 where name in ('+@dept+')

    and convert(varchar,d,101) between '''+ convert(varchar,@fromdate,101)+''' and '''+ convert(varchar,@todate,101) +'''';

    Try this and let me know if it works correctly.


  • Hi

    i modified the query as you said

    still data inconsistent. i think problem is, it has to chk for the deptname with that emp and joineddate between deptname is a camma seperated value for each record.and may have multiple deptname seperated by camma in one reocrd and date comparision has to be done with every deptname in a record.

    i think you got my point



  • Hi,

    If you want some more help then I will need you to create a example tables for the procedure.

    I can not replicate your problem because I obviously don't have your data.

    If you'd like more assistance then produce some table examples with some inserts so that I can replicate the exact behavior on my machine.


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