September 21, 2009 at 12:21 am
I have a stored procedure which is taking about 25 seconds to parse an 11MB XML document and load the data into table variables. I'm trying to figure out if this is normal.
The specs:
XML is all attribute-centric
XML has 8 main nodes which are loaded into 8 table variables
the largest node has 33,000 records with 50 columns to check for (I didn't design that)
Total number of records is 44,000
2 table variables have 50 columns
I basically do this eight times:
INSERT @table_var
FROM OPENXML (@idoc, '\amespace:mainnodeamespace:nodeitem')
col1 datatype,
...coln datatype
Does 25-28 seconds sound normal? This process was created for performance improvement but the C# code it's supposed to replace can iterate through the XML (it's transformed into an object) and do a series of 44,000 stored procedure calls (one line inserts) faster than SQL Server can load the XML.
I haven't posted the code because I would have to modify everything (NDA). I can do that if necessary. My main question is in regards to the time required and if that sounds normal for the amount of data and XML size.
September 21, 2009 at 2:58 am
Try to use the "nodes" method of the xml datatype (see BOL). You can also use an "xml schema collection" for the xml data.
September 21, 2009 at 7:42 am
Thanks. I tried the nodes method as well but that performance was even worse. I would like to try the nodes method with a schema collection (which I've read can improve things drastically for nodes) but our schemas come from C# and are not entirely SQL Server compliant. But I'm wondering if 25 seconds sounds reasonable for the scenario described...
September 21, 2009 at 9:20 am
8kb (9/21/2009)
But I'm wondering if 25 seconds sounds reasonable for the scenario described...
As usual: it depends.
A few questions (aside of the standard questions for server load, available CPU a.s.o.):
How many levels does the xml strucute have?
What's your general process to split the data? (Are you 'climbing up the node levels' or do you use the CROSS APPLY function?)
What I would do is to load the file into a temp table with xml column, add an xml index and use XQuery with CROSS APPLY to split the data.
That shouldn't take 25sec.
September 21, 2009 at 11:10 am
Laptop specs are as follows:
SQL Server Express SP 3
Dell Latitude E6400
3.5 GB RAM
Core Duo 2.53 Ghz
The xml structure is below:
The method of getting the data is going through each main node and get all of its sub nodes (one level below):
FROM OPENXML (@doc_id, 'Root\Items\List1\List1_item', 1)
col1 datatype,
coln datatype
FROM OPENXML (@doc_id, 'Root\Items\List2\List2_Item', 1)
col1 datatype,
coln datatype
and so on...
The big performance hit is when you get to List4. There are fifty columns and it takes 10-13 seconds just to extract the data.
There is no load on the machine while the tests are running except for basic background processes in XP.
CROSS APPLY sounds interesting. Actually we're going to roll back to the original method of running straight inserts from C# because it's so much faster. But I'm wondering if OPENXML slows down the process every time you do an extraction of data. Especially with bigger files.
September 21, 2009 at 1:09 pm
I'm still not sure what your query looks like.
The way you posted your sample data it appears to be a query against just one level.
If you're staying within one node CROSS APPLY wouldn't be necessary from my point of view.
The following code should work and shouldn't take too much time.
It would be a totally different story if you'd had to climb up and down the nodes or even parallel nodes. But there's just not enough information....
c.value('.','VARCHAR(10)') AS List1
September 22, 2009 at 10:26 am
Just a question - do you get any better performance loading into a temp table?
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September 22, 2009 at 12:22 pm
The use of a temp table vs. table variable seems to make no difference.
So here is the code. At least this code will build an XML object that is very close to what we get in our stored procedure.
-- Create temp version of table that exists in database. It has 50+ columns
col_01 varchar(6), col_02 varchar(7), col_03 varchar(3), col_04 varchar(1), col_05 varchar(4),
col_06 varchar(11), col_07 varchar(1), col_08 varchar(14), col_09 varchar(12), col_10 varchar(2),
col_11 varchar(1), col_12 varchar(2), col_13 varchar(5), col_14 numeric(38, 0), col_15 numeric(38, 0),
col_16 numeric(38, 0), col_17 numeric(38, 0), col_18 numeric(38, 0), col_19 varchar(5), col_20 varchar(3),
col_21 varchar(5), col_22 varchar(10), col_23 varchar(10), col_24 varchar(12), col_25 datetime,
col_26 datetime, col_27 varchar(4), col_28 varchar(4), col_29 varchar(4), col_30 varchar(4), col_31 varchar(4),
col_32 varchar(21), col_33 varchar(11), col_34 varchar(6), col_35 varchar(2), col_36 varchar(6), col_37 varchar(5),
col_38 varchar(1), col_39 varchar(6), col_40 varchar(7), col_41 varchar(11), col_42 varchar(2), col_43 varchar(3),
col_44 varchar(1), col_45 varchar(12), col_46 varchar(3), col_47 varchar(3), col_48 varchar(5), col_49 varchar(17),
col_50 varchar(25), col_51 numeric(38, 0), col_52 varchar(10), col_53 varchar(10), col_54 varchar(13)
-- Insert sample row of data. Most columns are not populated during the imports.
col_51 )
'2009-04-02 20:38:50.000',
-- Create XML object that has 33000 rows of the sample data. This is comparable in size to the document I import
DECLARE @x xml
SET @x = (
) ItemList
FROM @t t
CROSS JOIN (SELECT TOP 33000 v1.* FROM master..spt_values v1 CROSS JOIN master..spt_values v2) v
) Item
-- Run the code I was attempting to use in order to extract the data. It takes around 10-15 seconds to get everything back
@doc_id int,
@time datetime
SET @time = getdate()
EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @doc_id output, @x
FROM OPENXML(@doc_id, '//ItemList/Item')
col_01 varchar(6), col_02 varchar(7), col_03 varchar(3), col_04 varchar(1), col_05 varchar(4),
col_06 varchar(11), col_07 varchar(1), col_08 varchar(14), col_09 varchar(12), col_10 varchar(2),
col_11 varchar(1), col_12 varchar(2), col_13 varchar(5), col_14 numeric(38, 0), col_15 numeric(38, 0),
col_16 numeric(38, 0), col_17 numeric(38, 0), col_18 numeric(38, 0), col_19 varchar(5), col_20 varchar(3),
col_21 varchar(5), col_22 varchar(10), col_23 varchar(10), col_24 varchar(12), col_25 datetime,
col_26 datetime, col_27 varchar(4), col_28 varchar(4), col_29 varchar(4), col_30 varchar(4), col_31 varchar(4),
col_32 varchar(21), col_33 varchar(11), col_34 varchar(6), col_35 varchar(2), col_36 varchar(6), col_37 varchar(5),
col_38 varchar(1), col_39 varchar(6), col_40 varchar(7), col_41 varchar(11), col_42 varchar(2), col_43 varchar(3),
col_44 varchar(1), col_45 varchar(12), col_46 varchar(3), col_47 varchar(3), col_48 varchar(5), col_49 varchar(17),
col_50 varchar(25), col_51 numeric(38, 0), col_52 varchar(10), col_53 varchar(10), col_54 varchar(13)
EXEC sp_xml_removedocument @doc_id
SELECT datediff(ss, @time, getdate()) AS TimeElapsed
And of course my original question...
1) Is this a normal span of time for this amount of data?
2) there something that can be done to improve performance?
September 22, 2009 at 1:27 pm
One thing to start with:
Thank you for the effort crating the test data!!
It made it really easy to work on and to have something to compare to! 🙂
I've tried three version to get the identical result:
1) temp table and index on xml column together with XQuery
2) Xquery and the xml variable
3) test code you provided
What I found is that using a temp table with XML index takes 2/3 of the original time, wherein populating the temp table and the xml index takes almost as long as to query the data.
Since you're running multiple requests against the xml data I'd try both versions (temp table and XQuery) and see which one performs best. Please note that you should define the xml index after the INSERT statement. Otherwise performance will slow down by another 3 sec (at least using my system).
The index itself needs to be created just once. After that you can run your multiple queries.
If you don't mind sharing your test results and the way you finally decided to go I'd really appreciate the feedback.
-- solution 1: using indexed temp table
SET @time = getdate()
CREATE TABLE #xml (id INT identity(1,1),data xml
INSERT INTO #xml(data)
ON #xml (data);
SELECT 'populate temp Table', datediff(ss, @time, getdate()) AS TimeElapsed, datediff(ms, @time, getdate()) AS TimeElapsed
SET @time = getdate()
c.value('@col_01','varchar(30)') AS col_01,
c.value('@col_02','varchar(30)') AS col_02,
c.value('@col_04','varchar(30)') AS col_04,
c.value('@col_05','varchar(30)') AS col_05,
c.value('@col_06','varchar(30)') AS col_06,
c.value('@col_08','varchar(30)') AS col_08,
c.value('@col_09','varchar(30)') AS col_09,
c.value('@col_12','varchar(30)') AS col_12,
c.value('@col_13','varchar(30)') AS col_13,
c.value('@col_14','varchar(30)') AS col_14,
c.value('@col_15','varchar(30)') AS col_15,
c.value('@col_16','varchar(30)') AS col_16,
c.value('@col_17','varchar(30)') AS col_17,
c.value('@col_18','varchar(30)') AS col_18,
c.value('@col_26','varchar(30)') AS col_26,
c.value('@col_33','varchar(30)') AS col_33,
c.value('@col_39','varchar(30)') AS col_39,
c.value('@col_40','varchar(30)') AS col_40,
c.value('@col_41','varchar(30)') AS col_41,
c.value('@col_51','varchar(30)') AS col_51
CROSS APPLY data.nodes('ItemList/Item') T(c)
SELECT 'temp Table', datediff(ss, @time, getdate()) AS TimeElapsed, datediff(ms, @time, getdate()) AS TimeElapsed
SET @time = getdate()
c.value('@col_01','varchar(30)') AS col_01,
c.value('@col_02','varchar(30)') AS col_02,
c.value('@col_04','varchar(30)') AS col_04,
c.value('@col_05','varchar(30)') AS col_05,
c.value('@col_06','varchar(30)') AS col_06,
c.value('@col_08','varchar(30)') AS col_08,
c.value('@col_09','varchar(30)') AS col_09,
c.value('@col_12','varchar(30)') AS col_12,
c.value('@col_13','varchar(30)') AS col_13,
c.value('@col_14','varchar(30)') AS col_14,
c.value('@col_15','varchar(30)') AS col_15,
c.value('@col_16','varchar(30)') AS col_16,
c.value('@col_17','varchar(30)') AS col_17,
c.value('@col_18','varchar(30)') AS col_18,
c.value('@col_26','varchar(30)') AS col_26,
c.value('@col_33','varchar(30)') AS col_33,
c.value('@col_39','varchar(30)') AS col_39,
c.value('@col_40','varchar(30)') AS col_40,
c.value('@col_41','varchar(30)') AS col_41,
c.value('@col_51','varchar(30)') AS col_51
INTO #t2
@x.nodes('ItemList/Item') T(c)
SELECT 'xml variable XQuery', datediff(ss, @time, getdate()) AS TimeElapsed, datediff(ms, @time, getdate()) AS TimeElapsed
SET @time = getdate()
-- solution 3: using xml variable with OPENXML (original approach)
fill temp Table44076
XQuery & temp Table65280
XQuery & xml variable1010233
OPENXML& xml variable 1615653
September 22, 2009 at 2:45 pm
Once I saw your code, I finally understood what you meant by temp tables and an index on the XML column. Thanks!
Here is the problem. Once you add all the columns possible for the table, the performance degrades fast.
I modified your solution #1 to include every possible attribute within the XML file:
-- solution 1: using indexed temp table
SET @time = getdate()
CREATE TABLE #xml (id INT identity(1,1),data xml
INSERT INTO #xml(data)
ON #xml (data);
SELECT 'populate temp Table', datediff(ss, @time, getdate()) AS TimeElapsed, datediff(ms, @time, getdate()) AS TimeElapsed
SET @time = getdate()
c.value('@col_01', 'varchar(6)') AS col_01,
c.value('@col_02', 'varchar(7)') AS col_02,
c.value('@col_03', 'varchar(3)') AS col_03,
c.value('@col_04', 'varchar(1)') AS col_04,
c.value('@col_05', 'varchar(4)') AS col_05,
c.value('@col_06', 'varchar(11)') AS col_06,
c.value('@col_07', 'varchar(1)') AS col_07,
c.value('@col_08', 'varchar(14)') AS col_08,
c.value('@col_09', 'varchar(12)') AS col_09,
c.value('@col_10', 'varchar(2)') AS col_10,
c.value('@col_11', 'varchar(1)') AS col_11,
c.value('@col_12', 'varchar(2)') AS col_12,
c.value('@col_13', 'varchar(5)') AS col_13,
c.value('@col_14', 'numeric(38, 0)') AS col_14,
c.value('@col_15', 'numeric(38, 0)') AS col_15,
c.value('@col_16', 'numeric(38, 0)') AS col_16,
c.value('@col_17', 'numeric(38, 0)') AS col_17,
c.value('@col_18', 'numeric(38, 0)') AS col_18,
c.value('@col_19', 'varchar(5)') AS col_19,
c.value('@col_20', 'varchar(3)') AS col_20,
c.value('@col_21', 'varchar(5)') AS col_21,
c.value('@col_22', 'varchar(10)') AS col_22,
c.value('@col_23', 'varchar(10)') AS col_23,
c.value('@col_24', 'varchar(12)') AS col_24,
c.value('@col_25', 'datetime') AS col_25,
c.value('@col_26', 'datetime') AS col_26,
c.value('@col_27', 'varchar(4)') AS col_27,
c.value('@col_28', 'varchar(4)') AS col_28,
c.value('@col_29', 'varchar(4)') AS col_29,
c.value('@col_30', 'varchar(4)') AS col_30,
c.value('@col_31', 'varchar(4)') AS col_31,
c.value('@col_32', 'varchar(21)') AS col_32,
c.value('@col_33', 'varchar(11)') AS col_33,
c.value('@col_34', 'varchar(6)') AS col_34,
c.value('@col_35', 'varchar(2)') AS col_35,
c.value('@col_36', 'varchar(6)') AS col_36,
c.value('@col_37', 'varchar(5)') AS col_37,
c.value('@col_38', 'varchar(1)') AS col_38,
c.value('@col_39', 'varchar(6)') AS col_39,
c.value('@col_40', 'varchar(7)') AS col_40,
c.value('@col_41', 'varchar(11)') AS col_41,
c.value('@col_42', 'varchar(2)') AS col_42,
c.value('@col_43', 'varchar(3)') AS col_43,
c.value('@col_44', 'varchar(1)') AS col_44,
c.value('@col_45', 'varchar(12)') AS col_45,
c.value('@col_46', 'varchar(3)') AS col_46,
c.value('@col_47', 'varchar(3)') AS col_47,
c.value('@col_48', 'varchar(5)') AS col_48,
c.value('@col_49', 'varchar(17)') AS col_49,
c.value('@col_50', 'varchar(25)') AS col_50,
c.value('@col_51', 'numeric(38, 0)') AS col_51,
c.value('@col_52', 'varchar(10)') AS col_52,
c.value('@col_53', 'varchar(10)') AS col_53,
c.value('@col_54', 'varchar(13)') AS col_543
CROSS APPLY data.nodes('ItemList/Item') T(c)
SELECT 'temp Table', datediff(ss, @time, getdate()) AS TimeElapsed, datediff(ms, @time, getdate()) AS TimeElapsed
SET @time = getdate()
On my machine I got the following results:
TimeElapsed TimeElapsed
------------------- ----------- -----------
populate temp Table 4 4016
TimeElapsed TimeElapsed
---------- ----------- -----------
temp Table 67 66813
Everything said I've read suggests I need to create an XML SCHEMA COLLECTION object within the database in order to overcome this (at least when using the nodes function).
September 22, 2009 at 4:36 pm
It looks like the number of attributes causes the long import time.
Would there be any benefit to change those attributes to elements for testing purpose, meaning: would you have a chance to change the xml structure if it would help performance?
September 22, 2009 at 5:26 pm
Unfortunately our team doesn't own the structures and the idea was to make as few changes in the non-database side of the software.
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