DTS - Transformation Problem

  • Hi all,

    Please, Anyone give me a solution for this problem.

    I have a source query in a text file. In that text file i have one or more query.

    Using ini file i mapped source server, database and source query path.

    Destination also text file. I want query result in text file. But text file is depends upon the query it will generate dynamically.

    I am having problem to execute the query and get the result into text file.

    Is it possible?


  • As the why the question is phrased in a rather general way - please forgive the kinda general nature of the answer - if you need something more specific please provide a little more information - Jack Corbett's sig provides a link to a very good guide to how to post information in respect of queries on the forum.

    Anyway - have you looked at using a vba script task to populate a Global Variable with the filename you need which you can then use in the export task?



    I'm a DBA.
    I'm not paid to solve problems. I'm paid to prevent them.

  • Thanks.

    This is my ini file.

    [Source Filepath]


    [Source Server]


    [Source Database]


    I am having one or more queries in source_query_dts text file.

    I can able to access file path, sorce path and destination using activeX.

    My Problem is how to run this Queries and can i generate a destination text file depends upon the queries count.

    For e.g . In source_query_dts have 3 queries means i have to generate 3 different destination file.

    Please give me a solution for this problem...

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