Query Problem

  • Hello everyone, i m using SQL Server2000, i need help in my query:

    select s.ShiftID,dbo.ShiftStatus(s.ShiftStatus) as ShiftStatus,st.ShiftTypeName,

    s.ShiftOpenDate,s.ShiftCloseDate, su1.FullName as CloseBy

    --,su.FullName as OpenBY

    from ShiftsInformation s

    left outer JOIN SystemUsers su1 on s.ShiftClosedBy = su1.SystemUserID

    INNER JOIN ShiftTypes st on st.ShiftTypeCode = s.ShiftTypeCode

    --INNER JOIN SystemUsers su on s.ShiftOpenedBy = su.SystemUserID

    where s.ShiftID = 148


    1) ShiftsInformation
















    Data of main table (1)Shifts Information

    ShiftID ShiftTypeCode ShiftStatus ShiftOpenDate ShiftOpenedBy ShiftCloseDate ShiftClosedBy

    146 1 0 2007-07-17 10:00:30.200 2 2007-07-17 12:00:03.000 2

    147 2 0 2007-07-17 10:00:59.390 2 2007-07-17 12:30:03.000 2

    148 3 1 2007-07-17 10:01:11.013 1 NULL NULL

    as u see in the main table, i have null values in the ShiftClosedBy column , but when i run the above follwing query (note: uncomment the commented lines)it returns nothing,

    but when i delete one join from this table(see comment lines),it shows the required data,plz help me, how i right my query as we need 2 joins from

    SystemUsers table, coz both userID has info abt ShiftClosed and ShiftOpnedBy (coz shift closed and opened by UserID)

    reply me asap.Its urgent

    Thanx in Advance

  • HI there,

    What values do you have the SystemUsers table?

    It seems that the inner join is filtering the results to nothing, which makes me thing the systemUsers table has no records in it or at least no records with ShiftOpenedBy = 1 or 2.

    Hope this helps.

    If not please supply the data for all the tables and I can have another look at this for you.



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  • May be following

    select s.ShiftID,dbo.ShiftStatus(s.ShiftStatus) as ShiftStatus,st.ShiftTypeName,

    s.ShiftOpenDate,s.ShiftCloseDate, su1.FullName as CloseBy,

    (select FullName from SystemUsers where SystemUserID = s.ShiftOpenedBy) as OpenBY

    --,su.FullName as OpenBY

    from ShiftsInformation s

    left outer JOIN SystemUsers su1 on s.ShiftClosedBy = su1.SystemUserID

    INNER JOIN ShiftTypes st on st.ShiftTypeCode = s.ShiftTypeCode

    --INNER JOIN SystemUsers su on s.ShiftOpenedBy = su.SystemUserID

    where s.ShiftID = 148

  • Confused...

    If you gonna do a nested select in the main select section of your query. You may find that a left join in the main query will give you better results.

    Was I right in saying that your table didn't have the id's you were joining on?



    Try to learn something about everything and everything about something. - Thomas Henry Huxley

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  • Sorry. The null have column ShiftClosedBy

    select s.ShiftID,dbo.ShiftStatus(s.ShiftStatus) as ShiftStatus,st.ShiftTypeName,

    s.ShiftOpenDate,s.ShiftCloseDate, su1.FullName as OpenBY,

    (select FullName from SystemUsers where SystemUserID = s.ShiftClosedBy ) as CloseBy

    --,su.FullName as OpenBY

    from ShiftsInformation s

    left outer JOIN SystemUsers su1 on s.ShiftOpenedBy= su1.SystemUserID

    INNER JOIN ShiftTypes st on st.ShiftTypeCode = s.ShiftTypeCode

    --INNER JOIN SystemUsers su on s.ShiftOpenedBy = su.SystemUserID

    where s.ShiftID = 148

  • I ran your query (without the UDF, since you didn't provide any code for that), and it returned one row (which is probably the expected result) with all of your original code uncommented. Your query referenced SystemUsers.FullName, but that column was listed in your original post, so I added it to the CREATE TABLE statement.

    What does the UDF dbo.ShiftStatus(s.ShiftStatus) return?

    Here is the test code I used:


    DROP TABLE ShiftTypes

    DROP TABLE SystemUsers

    DROP TABLE ShiftsInformation



    CREATE TABLE ShiftTypes


      ShiftTypeCode int

    , ShiftTypeName varchar(40)


    INSERT ShiftTypes (ShiftTypeCode, ShiftTypeName)

           SELECT 1, 'Shift Type 1'

           UNION ALL

           SELECT 2, 'Shift Type 2'

           UNION ALL

           SELECT 3, 'Shift Type 3'

    CREATE TABLE SystemUsers


      SystemUserID int

    , SystemUserName varchar(50)

    , fullname varchar(50) -- this was referenced in the query

    --, Login

    --, Password


    INSERT SystemUsers (SystemUserID, SystemUserName, fullname)

           SELECT 1, 'UserId01', 'User 1'

           UNION ALL

           SELECT 2, 'UserId02', 'User 2'

           UNION ALL

           SELECT 3, 'UserId03', 'User 3'

    CREATE TABLE ShiftsInformation


      ShiftID int PRIMARY KEY

    , ShiftTypeCode int

    , ShiftStatus int

    , ShiftOpenDate datetime

    , ShiftOpenedBy int

    , ShiftCloseDate datetime

    , ShiftClosedBy int


    INSERT ShiftsInformation (ShiftID, ShiftTypeCode, ShiftStatus, ShiftOpenDate, ShiftOpenedBy, ShiftCloseDate, ShiftClosedBy)

           SELECT 146, 1, 0, '2007-07-17 10:00:30.200', 2, '2007-07-17 12:00:03.000', 2

           UNION ALL

           SELECT 147, 2, 0, '2007-07-17 10:00:59.390', 2, '2007-07-17 12:30:03.000', 2

           UNION ALL

           SELECT 148, 3, 1, '2007-07-17 10:01:11.013', 1, NULL, NULL


    SELECT s.ShiftID

    --     , dbo.ShiftStatus(s.ShiftStatus) as ShiftStatus

         , st.ShiftTypeName

         , s.ShiftOpenDate

         , s.ShiftCloseDate

         , su1.FullName as CloseBy

         , su.FullName as OpenBY

      FROM ShiftsInformation s

      LEFT OUTER JOIN SystemUsers su1

        ON s.ShiftClosedBy = su1.SystemUserID

     INNER JOIN ShiftTypes st

        ON st.ShiftTypeCode = s.ShiftTypeCode

     INNER JOIN SystemUsers su

        ON s.ShiftOpenedBy = su.SystemUserID

     WHERE s.ShiftID = 148



    ShiftID ShiftTypeName ShiftOpenDate           ShiftCloseDate  CloseBy   OpenBY

    ------- ------------- ----------------------- --------------- --------- ------

    148     Shift Type 3  2007-07-17 10:01:11.013 NULL            NULL      User 1

    (1 row(s) affected)



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