Command took 40 Min to RUN

  • HI All,


         Can some one show me write this in better way ?  lol took 40 min to run



      select DATEADD(d, 0, DATEDIFF(d, 0, DATEADD(d, -(datepart(dd,s.date_shipped)-1), s.date_shipped)))as Date_Shipped,m.sku_code,m.sku_no,l.part_no,m.description,s.order_no, s.ext, l.location,s.cust_code,a.address_name, s.status,s.user_code,p.cat_first_rel as Release_Date,l.shipped - l.cr_shipped as Net_Qty,l.price,Sales =CASE s.type   WHEN 'C' THEN  isnull(l.cr_shipped * l.price * (1-(*-1 ,0)   WHEN 'I' THEN isnull(l.shipped * l.price * (1-( ,0)else ''endfrom orders s, ord_list l, pa_inv_attributes p, inv_master m, shippers sh, armaster awhere l.part_no = p.part_noand a.customer_code = s.cust_codeand l.part_no = m.part_noand s.order_no = l.order_noand s.ext = l.order_extand s.order_no = sh.order_noand l.order_no not in ('286877')and s.ext = sh.order_extand sh.line_no = l.line_noand s.status in ('T', 'R', 'S')and l.part_no not like  'FREIGHT%'and a.address_typ

  • select DATEADD(d, 0,

    DATEDIFF(d, 0,

    (DATEADD(d, -(datepart(dd,s.date_shipped)-1), s.date_shipped))))

    as Date_Shipped,

    I took a look at your statement and cannot make any head or tail of what you are trying to achieve by using the DateAdd, DateDiff and DatePart functions so indiscriminately.

    The innermost part extracts the dd value of the date and reduces it by 1 (effectively returning the previous day's value).

    The second part reduces the shipped_date by this first value (effectively returning the first date of the month in most cases except where the shipped date is itself the first of the month)

    The third and fourth parts are adding deadweight to the statement by calling DateAdd and DateDiff with arguments of zero.

    What exactly are you aiming for?

    No offence intended, but as my professor used to say, it is okay to bark up the wrong tree sometimes, but only if you are in the same forest.

    Post back and we'll take it up further.



    Experience is a bad teacher whose exams precede its lessons

  • HI,

      Thanks, What i trying to do is sum all the Date_shpped by months

    if date_shipped  '2007-07-04 10:-1:467' like in SQL so i can't sum and want to make it like this

             2007-01-01 00:00:000

    I'm not good at explain sorrry.




  • This will convert the date shipped to the first day of the month at time 00:00:00.000


    As for the run time, we really don't have enough information about your tables, indexes, constraints, amount of data, etc. to say why it runs so long.  Also, the query you posted is cutoff at the end and so poorly formatted that it is really hard to read.  Also, you should use that ANSI join syntax instead of doing joins in the where clause to make it easier to understand.

    You should start by looking at the query plan.

  • Asela,

    Am I gettin you wrong OR are you actually trying to sum up dates? If you want to sum up some other numeric values by date or if you want to group your fields on a report by date then confirm and you will be assisted accordingly.



    Experience is a bad teacher whose exams precede its lessons

  • As Michael said, it's impossible to say for sure what is causing the performance bottleneck without more information (although based on some guesses as to how things are structured, it's likely a combination of factors). As for the code formatting, use your own style, but please make it easy for people to read. I personally do something like this, but there are plenty of variations out there that are all easy to follow. People will be far more likely to help you if they don't have to format your code just to be able to read it.


        Date_Shipped = dateadd(mm,datediff(mm,0,s.date_shipped),0)












        ,Release_Date = p.cat_first_rel

        ,Net_Qty = l.shipped - l.cr_shipped

        ,l.price,Sales =    CASE s.type

                                WHEN 'C' THEN  isnull(l.cr_shipped * l.price * (1-(*-1 ,0)

                                WHEN 'I' THEN isnull(l.shipped * l.price * (1-( ,0)

                                ELSE ''



        orders s

        INNER JOIN ord_list l ON

                s.order_no = l.order_no

            AND s.ext = l.order_ext


        INNER JOIN pa_inv_attributes p ON

                l.part_no = p.part_no


        INNER JOIN inv_master m ON

                l.part_no = m.part_no


        INNER JOIN shippers sh ON

                s.order_no = sh.order_no

            AND s.ext = sh.order_ext

            AND l.line_no = sh.line_no



        INNER JOIN armaster a ON

                s.cust_code = a.customer_code


            l.order_no not in ('286877')

        and s.status in ('T', 'R', 'S')

        and l.part_no not like  'FREIGHT%'

        and a.address_typ --- your code was cut off here

  • HI All,

      Thank you sooooo much for all of you.


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