Unexpected EOF encountered in BCP data-file

  • I am trying to run replication between two 2003 servers running.

    The db is quite lage 246 GB.

    The snapshot completes successfully but I am getting the following error;

    "Unexpected EOF encountered in BCP data-file" as a Distribution Agent Error and

    "The process could not bulk copy into table BalanceRelatedChange".

    Replication as run previously without errors. I thought it mightbe a data error so I have run the replication process against the BalanceRelatedChange table alone and the process completes successfully.

    However I have rerun replcation several times and the same error has ocurred but for different tables, all of which I have been able to run replication against individually.

    Any ideas?


  • Steve - did you ever hear anything back on this replication problem you were having? I am experiencing the same problem and was hoping you may have already solved it. Thanks Dawnelle

  • Have you gone through the following link:--



  • I've just had this probem and it turned out that the table that it was erroring on had a diffrent definiton on the subscriber compared to that on the publisher. This happened because it wasn't replacing the table defenition as the article property had 'delete data...' rather than ''drop table and recreate...' if the object already exists.

    if this doesn't work then you can get around it by emptying the table on the publisher and snapshotting and reapplying, then reinsert the data on the publisher and it will either be ok or give you some more hints on what the problem is.


    Thanks Jeet

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