• Ok, I've been using RAISERROR for a while (I've even gotten past the misspelling of it - thanks MS). However, I want to understand it a little more if someone is willing. I am a .NET Programmer and I am used to code IMMEDIATELY returning when I throw an Exception. However, RAISERROR does NOT immediately return from a Stored Procedure.

    For example, I have a Proc that validates the data upfront and if it's invalid, I use RAISERROR and then exit. What I want to understand here is why the RETURN statement does NOT immediately return!

    Here's a snippet of my Proc:

    If (@IsValid = 1) And (@SomeValue Is Null)

    RaisError('The @SomeValue Parameter is required.', 16, 1) WITH NOWAIT

    If (@@ERROR <> 0) RETURN(@@ERROR)

    The example above DOES NOT RETURN even though the Error No = 50000. I know this becuase it hits my Transaction that follows that statement and attempts to keep going. However, the following example does return immediately.

    If (@IsValie = 1) And (@SomeValue Is Null)


    RaisError('The @LegacyName Parameter is required because the Application is ELS Sensitive.', 16, 1) WITH NOWAIT



    So why does the RETURN statement sometimes work, and sometimes no? Is it because of the BEGIN / END? I was trying NOT to litter my Procs with hundreds of BEGIN / ENDs but it looks like it's still required...

  • As what you wrote, @@ERROR only returns the error number of the last transaction. If you would like to be sure you had better include a piece of code something like

    SET @errCode = @@ERROR

    in a right place.

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