Grouping problem - or is this possible at all?

  • I have a table with contains parent-child relationship.

    Employee table

    EmpID         int         Primary, Identity

    EmpName     varchar

    ReportTo     int         References(EmpID) of Employee table

    Top level EmpID does not have a parent and all other employees must have a reportto.

    I want to get all the people reporting to the top level and top 4 employees under each of these categories.

    For example: (if the table contains these values)

    1         a          null

    2         bb           a

    3         cc           a

    4         bba         bb

    5         bbb         bb

    6         bbc         bb

    7         abc         bba

    I want to get records from 2 and its first four employees and then record 3 and its four employees and so on

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

  • I'm not functioning too well at this late hour...remi will be along soon to do the rest of this...

    create table Employee

    (EmpID int,

    EmpName VarChar(50),

    ReportTo int)

    Insert Into Employee (EmpID, EmpName) Values(1,'a')

    Insert Into Employee values(2, 'bb', 1)

    Insert Into Employee values(3, 'cc', 1)

    Insert Into Employee values(4, 'bba', 2)

    Insert Into Employee values(5, 'bbb', 2)

    Insert Into Employee values(6, 'bbc', 2)

    Insert Into Employee values(7, 'abc', 4)

    Insert Into Employee values(8, 'abb', 4)

    Insert Into Employee values(9, 'aab', 4)

    Insert Into Employee values(10, 'aa', 3)

    select a.empid, a.empname as manager, b.empname as employee

    into #TEST

    from employee a

    inner join

    employee b


    a.empid = b.reportto

    group by a.empname, a.empid, b.empname

    order by a.empid

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • okay Anjali - I think this should do it...I tested with top 2 (since I'd inserted a limited # of rows)....

    select a.empid, a.empname as manager, b.empname as employee

    from employee a

    inner join

    employee b


    a.empid = b.reportto

    and b.empname in (select top 2 c.empname from employee c where a.empid = c.reportto group by c.empname)

    group by a.empname, a.empid, b.empname

    order by a.empid

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • Try this:

    SELECT *

    FROM (select E1.EmpId, E1.EmpName, E2.ReportTo from Employee E1

       inner join Employee E2 on E1.ReportTo = E2.EmpID

      where E2.ReportTo IS NULL) TL

    INNER JOIN Employee E on E.ReportTo = TL.EmpId


      From Employee E4

      WHERE E4.ReportTo = E.ReportTo

       and E4.EmpId <=E.EmpId) < 5

    If I did not embedded too many bugs it must work.

    TL is nested query returning Top Level employees, E contains employees who reports to top level.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • And "E4.EmpId <=E.EmpId" is priority for employees to be returned.

    If you want another criteria choose another unique key for employees - join date, duration period on the job, etc.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Thank you very much Sushila.  Your second option works like a charm.  I really appreciate your help.

    Also thanks a lot to Sergiy - eventhough the query as given didn't work, but I got the logic and had to change a little bit.

  • oh good! glad it worked!

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

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