SQL Personal Edition and limited queries running concurrentyl

  • We are running Personal Edition of SQL 2000 on a Windows 2000 Operating System.

    or Windows XP Proffessional.

    Sometimes we get the message:

    'This SQL Server has been optimized for 8 concurrent

    queries. This limit has been exceeded by 2 queries and

    performance may be adversely affected.

    I understood that the Personal Edition degrades performance if the maximum of 5

    Transact-SQL batches that are executed concurrently is exceeded.

    How can we find out which queries running concurrently cause this message?

    Running the SQL Profiler?

    Any other possibilities to trace this problem (except moving to SQL Standard version)?




  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Well, hmm. You could run Profiler at all times. But I guess it also counts as running query.

    Or you can do a script that executes sp_who/sp_who2 and automatically runs DBCC INPUTBUFFER on the SPIDs greater then 50...

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