schedule a stored procedure



    Is there anyway that I can schedule to run a SP everyday at 12:00 AM. Iam working on a timeclock, if any employee forget to clockout, then the SP will force him to clockout automatically. I need to run this SP everyday. Any help will be appreciated


  • You could create a task that would be run periodically by the sql server agent (open server in EM, thn gestion, sql server agent, tasks).

    Just schedule it to run to whatever interval, and in the step, just specify which proc to run.

    Also another to make this work would be to check if he forgot the punch out the next time he punches in.

  • You're assuming that he's not still working at midnight then !!

    I have a few SPs that I run each day and schedule these as agent jobs.


  • God I hope he's done by that time (unless it's a 24H shop???).

  • I,m done a long back


  • please tell me how can schedule a stored procedure to run periodically?

    I am new in using stored procedure

  • Sql server enterprise manager, yourserver / gestion / Sql server agent / jobs

    Create a new job.  From there just check around and you'll see how to make everything work.


    If you have problems, just start a new thread (more exposure) and we'll get back to you.

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