stored procedure

  • Syntax error converting the varchar value 'SELECT coid FROM Nov_BusinessProfile BProfile  WHERE (BProfile.BP_BusinessNature LIKE '%1,[ ]%') OR ( BProfile.BP_BusinessNature LIKE ',%[ ]1%') OR ( BProfile.BP_BusinessNature LIKE '%,[ ]1%') OR ( BProfile.BP_BusinessNature LIKE '%,[ ],1%') OR ( BProfile.BP_BusinessNature LIKE '1') OR ( BProfile.BP_BusinessNature LIKE '[ ]%,1,[ ]%')' to a column of data type

    The above error is coming , when i using this statement in a stored Procedure used for searching .


  • 'SELECT coid FROM Nov_BusinessProfile BProfile  WHERE (BProfile.BP_BusinessNature LIKE ''%1,[ ]%'')'

    Note the double quotes. You need to double quote all your LIKE criterias. This should do it assuming you're executing this dynamically.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Looking at your SQL it appears you are tring to find BP_BusinessNature cols with a value 1 in them where the field holds a comma separated list of values - your SQL could have problems if e.g. in CSV field you have values of 10,11,12 etc as these will match some of your values

    Possibly safer is:

    WHERE ',' + Replace(IsNull(BProfile.BP_BusinessNature,''),' ','') + ',' LIKE '%,1,%'

    This is by no means efficient (you should really normalise design to hold all business nature entries in linked table) but what this does is

    IsNull = make sure we treat Null records as empty string

    Replace = Change spaces into empty string to make sure we have no spaces

    ',' + ... + ',' = tack a comma to fron and end so e.g. 1,2,3 = ,1,2,3, so where ever 1 appears in list it will have commas on either side

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