March 18, 2005 at 5:05 am
Hi guys
I have a table from which I need to select a random number of records, e.g. 70 records, based on a specific set of criteria.
can anyone tell me the bets way to do this?
thanks again guys
If riding in a plane is flying, then riding in a boat must be swimming. To experience the element, get out of the vehicle. Skydive!
March 18, 2005 at 5:33 am
...ORDER BY NEWID() is a good randomizer, though not really supported for that.
Here's an example using a cursor I picked up from SQL Server MVP Steve Kass
declare @keys table (
pk int primary key
declare C cursor fast_forward for
select OrderID from Northwind..Orders
declare @pk int
declare @r float
open C
fetch next from C into @pk
while @@fetch_status = 0 begin
set @r = rand()
if @r < 0.0125
insert into @keys values (@pk)
fetch next from C into @pk
close C
deallocate C
select * from Northwind..Orders O join @keys K
on = O.OrderID
The only disadvantage here is, that you have no real control over the number of rows inserted into the table variable.
Frank Kalis
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
My blog:[/url]
March 18, 2005 at 5:40 am
cheers frank, much appreciated.....
.....would NEWID() work for this kind of thing? do yu have any examples of this in action?
If riding in a plane is flying, then riding in a boat must be swimming. To experience the element, get out of the vehicle. Skydive!
March 18, 2005 at 5:43 am
Doesn't make too much sense now, but have a look at this and you'll get the idea:
, au_lname
au_fname > 'L%'
Frank Kalis
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
My blog:[/url]
March 24, 2005 at 3:13 am
Nice one, NEWID() seems to work fine. Do I need to pass any values into NEWID(x)?
Seems to work fine without though......
If riding in a plane is flying, then riding in a boat must be swimming. To experience the element, get out of the vehicle. Skydive!
March 24, 2005 at 3:21 am
Try it out, and you'll see
Frank Kalis
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
My blog:[/url]
March 24, 2005 at 3:49 am
Great! I have the following code. there is also an age field included which I want to use to split the results of the following query, i.e. 35 out of the resulting 75 in one age group and 35 in the other age group. Can I add a cluase into this code to do this all in one go?
Any ideas of the best way of doing this? is it possible to split on a certian field?
select top 75 *
into t_Female
from t_Branch
where Gender = 'Female'
order by NEWID()
If riding in a plane is flying, then riding in a boat must be swimming. To experience the element, get out of the vehicle. Skydive!
March 24, 2005 at 5:23 am
Hm, it would be better to explicitely create the table first and then to use two separate statements to select n rows from one group and the rest from the other group. Unfortunately you can't use a UNION or UNION ALL here, since you can have only one ORDER BY clause in such a statement. So something like this doesn't work
use pubs
select top 2 au_lname, au_fname, zip
from authors
where zip <= '50000'
order by newid()
union all
select top 2 au_lname, au_fname, zip
from authors
where zip >= '50000'
order by newid()
However, if you remove the union all the query works just fine. And, btw, SELECT INTO can cause trouble and performance degradation so it's better to be explicite in your DDL.
Frank Kalis
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
My blog:[/url]
March 24, 2005 at 7:09 am
cheers Frank.
Still leaves me with the same problem really I think.
Table of thousands of people, male/female of two different age groups.
need a random sample of 75 male/75 female.
Of the 75 male, I need to split this 50/50 by the two age groups. Just cant see how I can manipiulate by original query to get this to work.
If riding in a plane is flying, then riding in a boat must be swimming. To experience the element, get out of the vehicle. Skydive!
March 24, 2005 at 7:14 am
Since each sample should be taken randomly, I assume, I think you must bite the bullet and write 4 queries SELECT ... BY NEWID(). Sorry, I don't know any other way (though that doesn't mean none exists).
Frank Kalis
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
My blog:[/url]
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