Problems with DTS and viewing DB in Enterprise Manager

  • Hi. I have transferred my SQL2000 databases to a new webhost and everything works fine. However, after registering the server it seems to keep losing its way.

    Frequently when I try to view the databases on the server it lists "no items" though I know they are there. Other times all the databases will be listed.

    The worst thing is that I cannot schedule or manually run DTS packages to get backups of the data, as they error. This doesn't bother me normally, but this is the worrying part - it keeps saying that:

    Unable to find the source database for Transfer on the source server.

    Server user [ the user name I am connecting to the database with ] is not a valid user in database [ someone else's database ]


    The people who are adminstering the web database are really helpful and have tried deleting the database and putting it back, adding and removing the user, changing permissions etc. but they have no resolution. I get the same problems if I try to connect using another machine as well.

    I have been running DTS packages to backup data for years and this has never happened before. Can anyone help?


  • It seems you have two questions. Are you saying that you don't see the database or DTS ?

    If you don't see the database, then make sure you have permission for this database because when transferring database from one server to another, the login may not necessary synch up.

    Transferring database does not tranfer DTS automatically.


  • Thanks - I shall try to clarify things a little ...

    The DTS is set up on my local server and not the web server. All it does is copy all of the online tables to synchronise my data for backups etc.

    I have connected and viewed the online database using EM and run the DTS package on a number of occasions, but it is highly unpredictable.

    Most of the time I try to run the DTS I get the "you're not a user of another unrelated database" error. When I connect to the online server it shows no databases (not just my database). Other times it will show the full list of databases, but will still give the error on the DTS.

    I can connect to the database using Query analyzer usually without any issues, but every now and then I get the same error message when I try to edit a View or SP the first time I do it. Trying the second time it works OK.

    Both databases were attached to the remote server using the mdf and ldf files. What you said about not being able to transfer over the DTS made me think... would it have something to do with these files containing information about the users from my local version which could be freaking it out?

    Any help or light you could throw on this would be most appreciated.

  • I have seen the "no databases visible in Enterprise manager" issue before - I have a notebook computer that I sometime run database on with the databases located on a firewire atttached removable hard drive (too big for the notebook hard drive!). This same notebook does have some databases locally installed (msdb, master and a small test db). When I connect ot the notebook SQL Server and the firewire drive is not attached it shows the db's on the firewire drive as suspect. In this scenario it seems SQL Server is being semi intelligent as it only seems to start when I first try to access it - I am not sure if this is a documented feature but from my observations it seems like SQL Server is taking the view that it will wait for the firewire disk to be available before starting unless someone sepcifically trys to access SQL - so when I first bring up Ent Manager from another machine it shows no databasses but if I refresh a few seconds later they are all shown with the ones on the firewire drive showing as suspect.

  • The databases do not appear after a refresh unfortunately, it usually justs hangs there.

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