DTS package wont run

  • Hello,

    I have created a simple DTS package that deletes all records from a table in my SQL Server 7.0 database then gets data from an excel spreadsheet and inserts the data into the aforementioned table. If I execute this package manually I never have any problems with it. However, I have scheduled a job to execute the package during the night and the job consistently fails.

    Any suggestions you may have would be greatly appreciated!



  • One quick note:  don't forget to check the permissions for your SQL Server service.  When you execute manually, the package is run under your credentials.  Conversely, when scheduled the package is exceuted as a job the MSSQL Service credentials are used.  So if the service domain account deosn't have access to the file location, the job will fail.

  • That did it. Thanks!!

  • Rookie and Squffey,

    I have a question on same lines and hopefully u guys can help me. My services account and sql server agent account both are set to run under local account and my jobs are failing.

    when you say "service domain account", what account are we referring here?


    Tajammal Butt

  • A Domain account which has local admin on your SQL Server, this is the best account to create and use for your SQL Services. Never use Local System Account.

    your jobs are failing as the local system account has no permissions to execute the jobs, if you add the Domain account to your server as local admin it is automatically part of admins on the server i.e. admin in SQL.




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