Failed Execution of a Stored Procedure

  • Yesterday my application was working well using a listbox with the RowSource of 'EXEC spFillLb1 @TOP=50'.  This successfully allowed me to set whatever stored procedures I needed and still pass in parameters.  I've moved the SQL Server database to a SQL Server (SP3) from my MSDE (SP1) and now get an error when opening the form.  The error states that the record source specified on this form does not exist.  It does, and I can still successfully run it in stand alone mode. 

    This capability is a feature that is extremely important to the application.  Although I have had it working with loading data strings then listbox is then constrainted to a maximum of 2k characters.  Since the front-end application has not changed and the SQL Server has, I suspect a server problem.

    Anyone aware what may be causing this problem?  Could the service pack difference from SP1 to SP3 be causing these problems or could it be a permissions problem?  If so, then why could I run the sp manually.  Any help would be appreciated.

  • does the proc uses cross database query?

  • You moved the database to SQL Server 2000 from MSDE 2000.

    1. did you move the procedure (I know this sounds like a dumb question - but depending on how you did the move, maybe not everything moved)

    2. is the instance name the same as it was with MSDE?

    3. is the database owner the same after the move?

    An easy way to see if 2 or 3 is the problem, is to edit the procedure to include the 4 part naming convention. Instead of just FROM tablename - use FROM servername.dbname.owner.tablename (you need two back-slants before the servername).



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