Linked SErver

  • How do you do an update, insert, delete statement using a linked server connection from sql2000 to an oracle9i database? 

    I am able to query, join tables, and run a DTS from sql to oracle successfully.

  • have you tried

    delete from openquery(linkedserver, statement)


    Shamless self promotion - read my blog

  • You may also try using four-part naming.  Four-part names are linked-server-name, catalog, schema, and table.  Would look something like this:

    insert into ORACLE9i_DB.DBO.SCHEMA_NAME.TABLE_NAME values (....)

    Hope this helps

  • It worked.  Thank you so much.

  •  I need to find a way to execute a procedure stored in an Oracle database using a DTS package in SQL Server 2000.  I can query, insert, and update using a linked server, but I need to be able to run a remote procedure also

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