Random record set selection

  • Hi,

    I am a newbee.

    This question might not belong here, but I am sure you folks could help me out.

    I have a 'questions' table with 25 questions and I have to select 10 questions at random from this table to display on the browser. I am using a primitive logic using random function.

    I was wondering if you people (who are more experienced than me) could suggest some alternatives for this.



  • Copy this and paste it on new vb6 project and follow the list below:

    1.add a command button

    2.add a list box name it lstquestion

    3.create a table name it question with questionID as auto increment by 1

    4.uncomment the line DBConnection on line 93 5. add you Db_Name and your Server_Name on the connection string and you are done.

    Option Explicit

    Dim NumberArray(), DeleteArray(), I As Integer, AllDone As Boolean, Num As Integer

    Dim getNumber As Variant

    Private Sub ReSetNumbers(Max As Integer)

    ReDim NumberArray(1 To Max)

    For I = 1 To UBound(NumberArray)

    NumberArray(I) = I


    AllDone = False

    End Sub

    Private Function RandomNumber() As Integer

    Randomize Timer

    RandomNumber = Int(Rnd * UBound(NumberArray) + 1)

    End Function

    Private Sub Command1_Click()

    On Error GoTo BadRandom

    'Check if all numbers are selected

    Dim intCheck As Integer

    Dim vValues As Integer

    Dim sSQL As String


    ReSetNumbers (Num)

    For intCheck = 1 To 10

    If AllDone Then

    Dim Ans As Integer

    Ans = MsgBox("All numbers are used. Do you wish to ReDo the Numbers?", vbYesNo, "All Numbers Used")

    'Print a blank line And Reset the nembers

    If Ans = vbYes Then Print: ReSetNumbers Num Else Exit Sub

    End If

    vValues = 0

    'Get a Random number and add to the variable

    Do While vValues = 0

    vValues = NumberArray(RandomNumber)

    If vValues > 0 Then

    If Len(getNumber) > 0 Then

    getNumber = getNumber & "," & vValues


    getNumber = vValues

    End If

    End If


    'Create a second array

    ReDim DeleteArray(0)

    'Initialize Counter

    Dim elecount As Integer

    elecount = 1

    'Cycle through the array

    For I = 1 To UBound(NumberArray)

    'Look for text box data

    'Making both sides of the comparison upper

    'Case removes case sensitivity

    If NumberArray(I) <> Val(vValues) Then

    'If the text data wasn't found create

    'a new element in the second array

    ReDim Preserve DeleteArray(elecount)

    'Store the data from the first array

    'In the second array

    DeleteArray(elecount) = NumberArray(I)

    'Increment the counter

    elecount = elecount + 1

    End If

    Next I

    'Check if last number

    If UBound(NumberArray) = UBound(DeleteArray) Then


    Print NumberArray(UBound(NumberArray))

    'Set flag

    AllDone = True

    Exit Sub

    End If

    'This makes both arrays equal

    NumberArray() = DeleteArray()


    '**********************************CHANGE HERE ******************************************************

    'MsgBox "Last Values =" & getNumber

    sSQL = "SELECT * FROM question WHERE questionID in (" & getNumber & ")"

    Debug.Print sSQL

    ' uncomment this line and configure your Database connection string below

    'DBConnection (sSQL)

    getNumber = ""


    Exit Sub


    Debug.Print Err.Source & " ( " & Err.Number & " ) " & Err.Description


    End Sub

    Private Sub Form_Load()

    Num = 25

    ReSetNumbers Num

    End Sub

    Private Sub DBConnection(strSQL)

    Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset

    Dim cn As ADODB.Connection

    Dim cm As ADODB.Command

    Dim strConn As String

    strConn = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=DB_NAME;Data Source=SERVER_NAME"

    Set cn = New ADODB.Connection

    cn.ConnectionString = strConn


    Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset

    rs.ActiveConnection = cn

    rs.Open strSQL, cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

    Do While Not rs.EOF

    lstquestion.AddItem rs.Fields("auther").Value & " - " & rs.Fields("question").Value



    End Sub

  • quote:

    I have a 'questions' table with 25 questions and I have to select 10 questions at random from this table to display on the browser. I am using a primitive logic using random function.

    I was wondering if you people (who are more experienced than me) could suggest some alternatives for this.

    Might want to consider using a good random number function. I'm including the code for such a function, which is my adaptation of something I found on this site (forget the author, sorry, but the idea wasn't mine) that uses the NEWID () function to come about as close to a good random number generator in T-SQL you can find. In the following code, the following is accomplished:

    1. A temp table matching your spec is created, with a number from 1 to 25, and a question.

    2. I wrap the random number generator with a loop that says, basically, don't leave this loop until you come up with something between 1 and 25.

    3. Use this number as a key to your question.

    Here's the random number generator:






    , LEFT (CONVERT (VARBINARY, @f_seed), 4))))


    Here's my dummy take on your question table:

    CREATE TABLE #questions (seq INT NOT NULL, question VARCHAR (200) NOT NULL)

    INSERT INTO #questions VALUES (1, 'Is it bigger than a bread box?')

    INSERT INTO #questions VALUES (2, 'Is everybody happy?')

    INSERT INTO #questions VALUES (3, 'Does the spearmint lose its flavor on the bed post overnight?')

    INSERT INTO #questions VALUES (4, 'Does anybody really know what time it is?')

    INSERT INTO #questions VALUES (5, 'Does anybody really care?')

    INSERT INTO #questions VALUES (6, 'Do you know where you''re going to?')

    INSERT INTO #questions VALUES (7, 'Do you like the things that life is showing you?')

    INSERT INTO #questions VALUES (8, 'Do you have that in black?')

    INSERT INTO #questions VALUES (9, 'Is there a method to your madness?')

    INSERT INTO #questions VALUES (10, 'Do you have no shame, sir????')

    INSERT INTO #questions VALUES (11, 'What do you have on tap?')

    INSERT INTO #questions VALUES (12, 'Can you go any faster?')

    INSERT INTO #questions VALUES (13, 'How about a date?')

    INSERT INTO #questions VALUES (14, 'What do you think?')

    INSERT INTO #questions VALUES (15, 'Does this happen to you a lot?')

    INSERT INTO #questions VALUES (16, 'Am I making you uncomfortable?')

    INSERT INTO #questions VALUES (17, 'Ever meet a celebrity?')

    INSERT INTO #questions VALUES (18, 'What kind of car do you have?')

    INSERT INTO #questions VALUES (19, 'If all your friends were to jump off a cliff, would you?')

    INSERT INTO #questions VALUES (20, 'Can you show me some ID?')

    INSERT INTO #questions VALUES (21, 'Do you prefer Scotch or Bourbon?')

    INSERT INTO #questions VALUES (22, 'What Kind of Fool Do You Think I Am?')

    INSERT INTO #questions VALUES (23, 'How Does It Feel?')

    INSERT INTO #questions VALUES (24, 'Have you been a good little boy?')

    INSERT INTO #questions VALUES (25, 'Do you mind???')

    And here is my query:

    DECLARE @rand INT

    , @ctr INT

    SELECT @ctr = 0

    WHILE @ctr < 10


    SELECT @ctr = @ctr + 1

    SELECT @rand = 0

    WHILE @rand NOT BETWEEN 1 AND 25


    SELECT @rand = CONVERT (INT, RIGHT (CONVERT (VARCHAR, dbo.f_rand (NEWID ())), 2))


    SELECT * FROM #questions WHERE seq = @rand


    Edited by - Lee Dise on 11/04/2003 3:52:44 PM

  • quote:

    1. A temp table matching your spec is created, with a number from 1 to 25, and a question.

    2. I wrap the random number generator with a loop that says, basically, don't leave this loop until you come up with something between 1 and 25.

    3. Use this number as a key to your question.

    How about just (as Frank indirectly suggested):

    SELECT TOP 10 Question
    FROM #Questions



  • quote:

    How about just (as Frank indirectly suggested):

    SELECT TOP 10 Question

    FROM #Questions


    Well.. sheesh!!!!! I didn't know you could do that!


    (That crashing sound in the background is the sound of Mr. Dise reluctantly learning something new... )

  • Following Mr. Dise posts is always something special and refreshing




    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • Hi rai_90

    I guess i was not on target by giving u a unique random function in vb, sorry about that...

    In SQL- I guess the newid() uniqueidentifier is one of the best solution for randomising your questions. In addition to my apology i thought i should give u a sql script for creating the table using the newid.

    the newid() will create something like this for each record:

    25C20982-D9F7-4873-8770-E30218B5CC3D this number is very unique.



    Car_id uniqueidentifier NOT NULL

    DEFAULT newid(),

    Make varchar(30) NOT NULL,

    Model int NOT NULL ,

    VIN varchar(6) NOT NULL



    INSERT Car

    (Make, Model,VIN)


    ( 'Toyota', '2002','TYT111')

    INSERT Car

    ( Make, Model,VIN)


    ('Toyota', '2002','TYT112')

    INSERT Car

    ( Make, Model,VIN)


    ('Toyota', '2002','TYT113')

    INSERT Car

    ( Make, Model,VIN)


    ( 'Mercedes-Benz', '2003','MBZ100')

    INSERT Car

    ( Make, Model,VIN)


    ('Mercedes-Benz', '2002','MBZ101')

    INSERT Car

    ( Make, Model,VIN)


    ('Mercedes-Benz', '2002','MBZ102')

    INSERT Car

    ( Make, Model,VIN)


    ('Mercedes-Benz', '2002','MBZ103')


    --to compare 'ure results, run this queris

    --multiple times.

    select * from car

    select top 3 * from car order by newid()

  • What about

    SELECT RAND( (DATEPART(mm, GETDATE()) * 100000 )

               + (DATEPART(ss, GETDATE()) * 1000 )

               + DATEPART(ms, GETDATE()) )

    generate a random number, then use to retrieve data .... ?

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