T-SQL "shortcut"?

  • The following example is simplified from my real-world problem, but basically I need to know if something like this is possible:

    select (colA+colB) as sum1,

    sum1/colC as calc1

    from SomeTable

    This T-SQL does not work, as I cannot reference the first column by its alias. Obviously, I can express the second column as (colA+colB)/colC (seems redundant and less efficient), but is there a way to build upon something that has already been calculated within the select statement?

    Create Table Tmp(ColA Money,COlB Money,ColC Money)
    Insert Tmp Values(1,2,3)
    Insert Tmp Values(4,5,6)
    Insert Tmp Values(7,8,9)
    Select ASum,Asum/ColC
    From (
    Select ColA+ColB as ASum,ColC
    From Tmp) as F(ASum,COlC)
    Drop Table Tmp
  • How about:

    DECLARE @sum1 int

    SELECT @sum1 = colA + colB

    FROM SomeTable

    SELECT @sum1/colC

    FROM SomeTable


  • Jnelson,

    There is a much easier way that does not require variables or temp tables. Just use a derived table as follows:

    select sum1/colc

    from sometable s1

    inner join (select (cola + colb) as Sum1,


    from sometable) as s2

    on s1.iRowId = s2.iRowId

    This example assumes that iRowId is a PK, or unique valued column.

    Best of luck!

    wavie davie 🙂

  • A sincere thanks to those who replied.

    Mr. 5409045121009: What does the F(..) do? I haven't seen this function before? It does work, I just don't understand it.

    Lightning: The value returned by the sum is for the last row only, and I need the sum for each row.

    waviedavie: This is very clear and works.

  • Well Jnelson, Mr. 5409045121009 is using corelated Sub-query. Thats one way of doing it. The other way to do is,

    Select (ColA/ColB) as Sum1, ColB into #TempTab from SomeTable


    Select (Sum1/ColB) as Calc1 from #TempTab


    In doing so, if there other places in your Stored procedure that u need to use this value(Sum1), then its better you take it into a temp table and then refer it. The Sub query may take a longer time if the calculate value is refered more than once in the Stored procedure. Hope I have been help full.

  • 5409045121009's solution is a derived table, not a correlated subquery. The F(..) that looks like a function is the table alias of the derived table. It's just like the derived table waviedavie used ("inner join (...) as s2") except 5409045121009 added the column names.

    I would use the 5409045121009 solution myself, although I don't personally bother adding column names to aliases. I don't know why you would use a self-join like waviedavie did.

  • All the info mentioned in this chain very very useful.

    But r we forgetting the fundamental problem tht was mentioned by jnelson?? Will it not be better to repeat the computation rather than use all these approaches?? What i mean is

    Select (colA+ColB), (colA+colB)/ColC From SomeTable

    Is the above query not going to perform better than the other suggest methods??.....

  • The time to do most math calculations is small compared to network IO. I'd be very surprised if you could see much difference. An index on a wide table will probably have much more effect. If the expression is commonly used and complicated, maybe a computed column can be used. If you are real desperate for speed, the value can be pre-computed in a trigger.

    If the query does not return results, then a local variable can be used to store the value. I tried this just to see if there was much difference (5 columns using 5 adds vs. 5 columns using 1 add). Performance improved by about 10% (206000 records in .813 seconds improved to .713 seconds). This query was done using a wide table. Adding an index using the columns in the calculation increased performance by 20% (.713 seconds to .53 seconds).

    Adding network IO by returning a recordset washes out the difference on my connection.

    RandyHelpdesk: Perhaps Im not the only one that does not know what you are doing. 😉

  • You have to look at the execution plans before making assumptions about the efficiency of different approaches.

    Just because you repeat a calculation several times does not mean it will have to be executed twice. It does give you the opportunity to make a mistake in one of the copies that may be very hard to debug.

    I like the derived table approach because I believe it is easier to read. Take a query with a complex calculation, put parenthesis around it and give it an alias, and now you can write a query around it that uses the calculated field as many times as you like; for other calculated fields, in the GROUP BY and ORDER BY clauses, etc.

    I have taken fairly complicated procedural code like this:

    Read next record

    Calculate some values

    Calculate more values based on those

    Lookup other related data

    Calculate some more

    Write out result record

    Repeat until EOF

    and turned it into:

    INSERT INTO OutputTable (...)

    SELECT <final calculations>

    FROM (

    SELECT <more calculations>

    FROM (

    SELECT <original fields>,<calculated fields>

    FROM Table1 JOIN Table2 ...

    ) x1

    ) x2

    As rstone points out, the calculations end up in one COMPUTE box in the execution plan that takes 0% of the time.

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