July 24, 2003 at 12:36 pm
Can someone please help me how to join temporary table with another table. I have one table in which I am doing all the joins and in temp. table I have the total count. I want to join two tables on people_id. This is what I am trying to achieve e.g. left join #temptbl t1 on p.people_id = t1.people_id.
Getting an error message:Invalid object name '#temptabl'.
July 24, 2003 at 12:44 pm
Are you try to refer temp table created by stored procedure or another session?
Check the sysobjects in TEMPDB to see whether this temp table exists.
July 24, 2003 at 1:12 pm
I am refering temp table from store procedure.
I got 0 records back when I ran the query
for sysobjects.
Below is the temp table I am creating:
CREATE PROCEDURE sp_temp_NumofEvents AS
Create table #NumofEvents
people_id numeric,
site_name varchar(100),
NumofEvents numeric
Insert into #NumofEvents
select distinct p.people_id,
(select distinct count(event.event_date))as NumofEvents from event
left outer join authorizations auth ON auth.authorizations_id =event.authorizations_fk
left outer join service svc ON auth.authorizations_id = svc.authorizations_fk
left outer join call cl ON cl.call_id = svc.call_fk
left outer join episode ep ON ep.episode_id = svc.episode_fk
left outer join cases c ON c.cases_id = ep.cases_fk
left outer Join people p On p.people_id = c.people_fk
left outer join v_event_type et ON et.v_et_id = event.event_type_fk
left outer join site st ON st.site_id = p.site_fk
st.site_name like 'pfizer%' and ep.closure_date between '04-01-2003'
and '06-30-2003' and c.status_fk='2' and p.deactivate is null and st.deactivate is null and
c.deactivate is null and svc.deactivate is null
and ep.deactivate is null and et.v_et_id in (6,7)
/*and cltyp.name= 'Clinical' */
group by
order by st.site_name, p.people_id
Select * from #NumofEvents
July 24, 2003 at 1:15 pm
I re-ran the temp table and now I am getting 1 record back.
July 25, 2003 at 10:26 am
I've finally figured it out. Thanks for the help!
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