Query to get all logins and access info

  • We have several logins created that have 'select' rights on certain tables. I have to go back and list the login and the tables that it has 'select' rights. Is there a system table that I can query to give me this information?


  • Hi JMeyers32,

    sp_helpprotect should do what you need

    This is taken from BOL:

    A. List the permissions for a table

    This example lists the permissions for the titles table.

    EXEC sp_helprotect 'titles'

    B. List the permissions for a user

    This example lists all permissions that user Judy has in the current database.

    EXEC sp_helprotect NULL, 'Judy'



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
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  • If you use any roles then you may not get those listed. Take a look at this script to help in that area.


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