SQL Server Clustering Stable?

  • Hi,

    This question goes out to you who are using Clustering in a production environment.

    I wonder how stable it is? What issues have you had to overcome to get it stable? If you could do it over, what would you do differently?


  • I've had two problems with my MSCS SQL Server cluster since I installed it in October, 2001.

    1, If you have a database job (such as a sp) that is a resource hog, there can be circumstances in which the sql server resource monitor failsover the server because it believes it is non-responsive. I was able to tune around this problem (with a lot of help from the third Microsoft technicial on the support call).

    2, I had a problem with my Dell PowerVault 220S shared SCSI storage getting into a weird state and causing problems with delayed write operations which ended up causing problems with the cluster. I power cycled the dell, and it's been fine since then. My guess is a power line spike messed it up.

    Anyway, apart from those two issues, it's been rock solid.

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