NT script

  • Hi there, I want to use a script to move and save some logs of the system. I had one which worked well on 2000 servers. then I wrote a similar one try to use on a NT 4 server, however, it doesn't work.

    It failed on a very simple part as the following:

    G:cd "historical logs"

    mkdir "%DATE%"

    which tries to create a new folder with the name of the date, this works well on 2000 servers, however, it failed to do anything on NT4.

    Anyone have some ideas on this?

    Thanks a lot!

  • Are we talking a batch file here or something else?

  • Yes, it's a batch file. or you can call it command file. simply a text file, but you can name it as test.bat or test.cmd, and run it. the content is as the follows:


    cd "historical logs"

    mkdir "%DATE%"

    cd "%DATE%"

    move c:\logs\1.log 1.log


    it executed fine on 2000 server, but it wouldn't interpret the %DATE% variables on NT4, please advise.

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