Log Reader Agent status in “Retrying” mode.

  • Hi ,

    I have set up Transactional Replication between two databases on two different servers.

    Log Reader Agent status Initializes and goes into “Retrying” mode. As a result of which the

    Data is not getting transferred across the database.The SQL server error log says that the

    Sp_repldone stored procedure could not be executed .Has some come across “Retrying” mode of Log Reader Agent

    I execute the “sp_repltrans“ and got to know that there are a few transaction are currently not distributed.

    I executed “EXEC sp_repldone @xactid = NULL, @xact_segno = NULL, @numtrans = 0, @time = 0, @reset = 1’”

    Still the status of Log Reader Agent is in “Retrying” mode.

    Any settings to be done . Please suggest.

  • First try stopping and restarting the log reader. If that doesnt work try stop/start SQL Agent. You can also try extending the timeout for the log reader (not the best idea).



  • The first two options ( Log reader and SQL Agent Stop) has been tried out.No success.

    How do I extending the timeout for the log reader.


  • Try the -querytimeout switch, set to a value in seconds. You probably should also enable the -OutputVerboseLevel switch with a setting of 2, have to provide a path & file name for the output. This may help you see exactly how far its getting and what its failing on.



  • How can I change the login timeout and Query time out setting for Log Reader Agent in Enterprise manager.Not finding any example(Query) in books on line


  • This is a bug which has been fixed in Service Pack 2. Both the servers have Service Pack 4 installed . Still the problem. Strange.

    The existing SQL Server default agent Profile could not be modified and hence a new custom agent profile was created and under which the Querytimeout value was set to 900 on both servers .Now things are neat and working fine.

    Thanks for the help.

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